Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
Medicine - Female Students - Group Photo
General material designation
Parallel title
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Edition area
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Dates of creation area
1951 (Creation)
Physical description area
Physical description
2 photographs : b&w
Publisher's series area
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Archival description area
Name of creator
Custodial history
Scope and content
Two images of women working in the Medical Lab in the College of Medicine. Image a) Group photo with H. Pfeifer (seated); standing are: M.[L.] Stothers, T. Tepponen (Mrs. Smart), I. Ziolkowski, D. Muirhead, H. Sherstobitoff. Image b shows two women standing in front of equipment.
Bio/Historical Note: A medical college was part of President Walter Murray’s design for the new University of Saskatchewan, and was consistent with his view that the university should serve the needs of the province. In 1926 a School of Medical Sciences was established, which provided the first two years of medical training. Between 1928 and 1954, 605 students completed the course and then went elsewhere in Canada for the clinical years. In 1944, a survey of the health needs of the province (Sigerist Report) recommended that the School be expanded to a “complete Grade A Medical School” and that a University Hospital of 500 beds be constructed for scientific teaching, clinical instruction, and research. A medical building was completed in 1950, a four-year degree-granting College was inaugurated in 1953, and University Hospital opened in 1955. The College admits sixty medical students per year, supervises the training of 200 residents, and provides basic science training to 330 students in Arts/Science. The aim of the program is to produce a “basic” or undifferentiated doctor capable, with further training, of becoming a family practitioner, specialist or research scientist. Between 1953 and 2003, the College of Medicine has graduated 2,134 MDs, of whom 30.5% were women.
Notes area
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There are no restrictions on access
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Copyright: University of Saskatchewan
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General note
Photos are taped together.