Matthews, Vincent Leon, 1922-1988 (Professor of Medicine)

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Matthews, Vincent Leon, 1922-1988 (Professor of Medicine)

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Born near Kincaid, Saskatchewan on 6 February 1922, Vincent Leon Matthews attended the University of Saskatchewan Arts and Science Pre-Medical Course receiving a B.A. in 1943. He continued his studies at the University of Toronto earning a M.D. in 1945 and a Diploma in Public Health in 1947. In later years he was to become a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in both Public Health and Preventative Medicine. Dr. Matthews returned to Saskatchewan in 1947 and took a position with the Regional Health Service Branch of the Saskatchewan Department of Public Health. The following year he became the Medical Health Officer, Swift Current Health Region. From 1949 through 1951 he operated a general practice at Maple Creek Clinic. During his tenure in Swift Current, the first universal hospital and medicare insurance and comprehensive children's dental programs were pioneered and the first Regional Hospital Council was formed. Dr. Matthews played a significant role in the development of Medicare both as a member of the Planning Committee on Medicare which designed Medicare and as Acting Deputy Minister of Health during its introduction in 1962. Matthews joined the faculty of the College of Medicine in 1964 as Professor and Head of the Department of Social and Preventative Medicine. He was appointed Professor Emeritus upon his retirement in 1987. His areas of interest and research laid in the organization, administration and delivery of health care services in Canada and abroad. Dr. Matthews died in Saskatoon on 7 October 1988.


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