- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA-RPL - RPL - Prairie History Room
- 21 en plus...
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-158 - Robert Martin
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-159 - Little Tommy Smith at Christmas
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-16 - Totem Pole
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-167 - Masonic Temple Building
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-170 - Masonic Temple
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-171 - Entrance to C.P.R. Depot 1909
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-173 - Broad Street Bridge
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-175 - Judge Hugh Richardson
- PièceCORA-RPL-A-176 - The Old Mounted Police Guard Room, Regina, Saskatchewan.
- 199 en plus...