Archief SCM-RG-0058 - Kulture Club fonds

Title and statement of responsibility area


Kulture Club fonds

Algemene aanduiding van het materiaal

  • Graphic material
  • Textual record

Parallelle titel

Overige titelinformatie

Title statements of responsibility

Titel aantekeningen

  • Source of title proper: Title based on source




referentie code




Edition statement of responsibility

Class of material specific details area

Statement of scale (cartographic)

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Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Datering archiefvorming


  • 1946 - 1995 (Vervaardig)
    Kulture Club
    Swift Current (Sask.)
  • 7 August 2001 (Beheer)
    Bymoen, Margaret
    Swift Current (Sask.)

Fysieke beschrijving

Fysieke beschrijving

ca. 25 cm of textual records and assorted ephemera (newspaper clippings)
74 photographs
17 photo negatives

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Archivistische beschrijving

Naam van de archiefvormer

(fl. 1946-1995)

Institutionele geschiedenis

The Kulture Klub was a local book club that started in 1946.

Geschiedenis beheer

On August 7, 2001 the records were transferred to the Swift Current Museum.

Bereik en inhoud

The fonds, related to the Kulture Club, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

-notepad, 1946-53, (contains book list, attendance, ledger);
-notepad, 1953 - 1959, (contains membership list, financial statement, book list, minutes);
-notepad, 1960 - 1966, (contains minutes, attendance, membership);
-notepad, 1967-86, (contains membership, minutes; newspaper clippings from February 13, 1995, re: history of club);
-10 photocopies of invitation, re. 40th Anniversary, 1986;
-5 color photo negative strips, (17 images);
-57 photographs (see below)

  1. December 1985, top: Anges Munro, Lillian McBean, Lois Ailsley, Helen McIntosh, bottom: Marie Nodge, Jean McLeod, Belle Armbruster, Millie Quest, Tillie Jaeger
  2. June 1979, Mae Dyer, Gladys Whyte, Margaret Bymoen, Minnie Bradbrooke, Jean McLeod, Marie Warren, Belle Armbruster, Tillie Jaeger, Irene McIvor, Helen McIntosh, Agnes Munro, Millie Quest
  3. Three ladies, June 1986, Agnes Munro, Janet Rowlatte, Jean MacLeod, at the home of Marie Warren
  4. December 1972, Christmas Party, Mae Dyer, Dorothy MacMillan, Margaret Bymoen, Agnes Munro, Helen McIntosh, Mrs. McKerrall, Millie Quest, Jean McDaid, Noreen McKerrall
  5. Nine members of the book club, May 1978
  6. Ten members of the book club, January 1978
  7. Book club reunion, June 1981, "The Basic Black Dress", Marie Warren, Irene McIvor, Jean McLeod, Tillie Jaeger, Esther Lewis, Agnes Munro, Lois Ailsley
  8. Book club 40th anniversary, Irene McIvor, Jean McLeod, Tillie Jaeger, Esther Lewis, Agnes Munro, Lois Ailsley
    9-10. 8 book club members, December 1976
  9. 9 book club members, ca. 1980s, inc. Marie Nodge and Lillian McBean
  10. June 1979, Mae Dyer, Gladys Whyte, Margaret Bymoen, Minnie Bradbrooke, Jean McLeod, Marie Warren, Belle Armbruster, Tillie Jaeger, Irene McIvor, Helen McIntosh, Agnes Munro, Millie Quest
    13 - 16. 1982, Esther Lewis, Millie Quest, Tillie Jaeger, Agnes Munro, Belle Armbruster, Irene McIvor, Marie Nodge, Jean McLeod, Helen McIntosh, Margaret Bymoen
    17 - 27. July 1995, Minnie Bradbrooke, Marie Nodge, Millie Quest, Agnes Munro, Ada Kalot, Lilliam McBean, Tillie Jaeger, Irene McIvor, Margaret Bymoen, Lois Ailsley, Belle Armbruster
  11. Christmas 1994, Ada Kolot, Tillie Jaeger, Millie Quest
  12. Christmas 1994, Tillie Jaeger and Jean MacLeod
  13. Christmas 1994, Jean MacLeod, Tillie Jaeger, Margaret Bymoen
  14. Christmas 1994, Margaret Korven, Jean MacLeod, Tillie Jaeger
  15. Christmas 1994, Belle Armbruster, Tillie Jaeger, Millie Quest
  16. June 1986, Marie Warren, Janet Rowlatt, Millie Quest, Lois Ailsley
  17. Nine members of the book club around a table
  18. Twelve members of the book club on a lawn
  19. June 1986, Irene McIvor, Marie Warren, Tillie Jaeger
  20. June 1986, Lois Ailsley, Lillian McBean, Esther Lewis
  21. Nine book club members, December 1969
  22. Ten book club members
  23. June 1986, Gladys Whyte and Minnie Bradbrooke
  24. Mae Dyer, Margaret Bymoen, Helen McIntosh, Agnes Munro, Gladys Whyte, Lois Ailsley, Jean McDaid, Jean McLeod
    42-43. December 1976, Mae Dyer, Agnes Munro, Helen McIntosh, Jean McLeod, Jean McDaid, Lois Ailsley, Gladys Whyte, Millie Quest
  25. December 1985, Agnes Munro, Lillian McBean, Lios Ailsley, Helen McIntosh, Millie Quest, Tillie Jaeger, Marie Nodge, Margaret Bymoen, Jean McLeod
  26. June 1986, Jean McDaid, Minnie Bradbrooke, Agnes Munro - 40th Anniversary Party
    46-47. June 1986, book club members at a golf club
  27. 1982, Millie Quest, Jean McDaid, Helen McIntosh, Lois Ailsley, Agnes Munro, Marie Nodge, Cathi Kennedy, Belle Armbruster, Esther Lewis
  28. June 1986, members of the book club at Opa's restaurant
  29. February 1985, Agnes Munro, Mare Nodge, Helen McIntosh, Jean McLeod, Tillie Jaeger, Millie Quest, Lillian McBean
  30. Book club reunion, June 1986
  31. June 1986, members of the book club at Opa's restaurant, Minnie Bradbrooke, Jean McDaid, Gladys Whyte
  32. Members of the book club, c. 1970s
  33. January 1985, Lillian McBean, Millie Quest, Tillie Jaeger, Jean McLeod, Helen McIntosh, Marie Nodge, Agnes Munro
  34. 1994, Anges Munro
  35. 1994, Belle Armbruster
  36. Irene McIvor, Belle Armbruster, Margaret Bymoen, Minnie Bradbrooke, Mae Dyer, Agnes Munro, Marie Warren, Mille Quest, Gladys Whyte


Materiële staat

Directe bron van verwerving


No formal arrangement has been applied to the items in this fonds.

Taal van het materiaal

  • Engels

Schrift van het materiaal

  • Latijn

Plaats van originelen

Beschikbaarheid in andere opslagformaten

Restrictions on access

No restrictions on access.

Termen voor gebruik, reproductie en publicatie.

Use, reproduction, and/or publication of records are subject to the Copyright Act and the Terms and Conditions of the Swift Current Museum. Please consult the Swift Current Museum for further information.


Minimal fonds level description is listed in AtoM. Until fully appraised and arranged record lists are available through the Swift Current Museum.

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