- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA - General Photos
- 144 en plus...
- PièceCORA-B-404 - Artist's sketch of the Chateau Qu'Appelle in Regina, Saskatchewan
- PièceCORA-B-405 - Artist's drawing of Regina Hospital
- PièceCORA-B-461 - St. Mary's Church, Gratton School and Victoria Park
- PièceCORA-B-490 - Man with pipe
- PièceCORA-B-491 - Man with Pipes
- PièceCORA-B-492 - Men constructing the sewer system
- PièceCORA-B-493 - Men constructing the sewer system
- PièceCORA-B-494 - Men posing with early day trencher
- PièceCORA-B-495 - Men with trencher posing in a trench
- 112 en plus...