Lucky Lake (Sask.)



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Lucky Lake (Sask.)

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Lucky Lake (Sask.)

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Lucky Lake (Sask.)

2 Names results for Lucky Lake (Sask.)

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Coteau Hills Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0438
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1925–

Lucky Lake Pastoral Charge was formed as an aid-receiving United Church charge in 1925, part of Moose Jaw Presbytery (then Elrose Presbytery, in 1926) and containing preaching points at Greenbrier, Tullis and Lucky Lake. By 1932, Demaine had joined the charge and Tullis was no longer listed. Whitby was also added, around 1936 and Canaan, around 1940.

As of 1953, Lucky Lake Pastoral Charge consisted of Beechy, Lucky Lake, and Demaine. By 1962, Birsay was also added. In 1971, the charge name changed to Coteau Hills Pastoral Charge. With the reorganization of presbyteries, in 2000, the charge became part of Praire Pine Presbytery. In 2017, Beechy separated to form Beechy Pastoral Charge, while Birsay and Lucky Lake remained part of Coteau Hills Pastoral Charge.

United Church of Canada Elrose Presbytery

  • SCAA-UCCS-0017
  • Entidade coletiva
  • 1926–1949

Elrose Presbytery was created in 1926, from the division of Kindersley Presbytery. Early pastoral charges in the presbytery included Eston, Dinsmore, Ferndale (student field), Richlea, Lucky Lake, Annerly (student field), Tuberose, North Landing, Demaine-Beechy, Elrose, Plato, Macrorie, Wiseton, Buffalo Basin (student field), Glidden, Wartime, Dunblane (including BIrsay), Dunblane (Finnish), Eatonia (English and German congregations), Rankin (student field), Mantario, Lacadena, Sanctuary.

In 1949, the Presbyteries of Elrose and Kindersley amalgamated, to become Rosetown Presbytery.