- FondsWHP - Wanuskewin Heritage Park fonds
- Série organiqueS01 - Photographs
- DossierF04 - Official opening
- 237 en plus...
- Pièce: 2022.004.085.208 - Distant view of Living in Harmony performers as tree and Markus Murphy as Deer
- Pièce: 2022.004.085.209 - Living in Harmony performers Markus Murphy as Deer and Carrie LaFramboise as Wolf
- Pièce: 2022.004.085.210 - Lighting technician for Living in Harmony performance
- Pièce: 2022.004.085.211 - Living in Harmony performers Carrie LaFramboise as Wolf, Markus Murphy as Deer, and Cheryl Ewashow as Bear with audience in the distance
- Pièce: 2022.004.085.212 - Living in Harmony film crew on roof
- Pièce: 2022.004.085.213 - Ant's eye view of audience watching Living in Harmony performance
- Pièce: 2022.004.085.214 - Audience watching Joe Duquette drummers and singers with Living in Harmony performers as futuristic children in the background
- Pièce: 2022.004.085.215 - Distant view of Living in Harmony performers Theresa Hohne as Buffalo Woman with villagers
- Pièce: 2022.004.085.216 - Audience watching Living in Harmony performance
- 53 en plus...