Lane, Patrick


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Lane, Patrick

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Name:Patrick Lane. His parents were Albert and Elaine Lane. He had three brothers Dick (deceased), John and Micheal and one sister named Linda. His first marriage was to Mary Hayden. They had three children: Chris, Mark and Kate. He divorced Mary and married Carol Beale. They had two children:Micheal and Richard. He began a relationship with writer Lorna Crozier in the late 1970s. Place of residence:Patrick Lane was born in Nelson, B.C. on March 26, 1939. In his earlier adult years, Lane travelled and worked around many areas of British Columbia. However in relation to this collection, there are five cities in Canada thet were his prominent place of residence:Edmonton, Montreal, Regina, Saskatoon, and Toronto. Occupation, life and activities: From the late 1960s to the present day Patrick Lane's primary occupation has been that of a poet and writer. In 1978 he won the Governor General's Award for poetry for his book POEMS, NEW AND SELECTED (1978). Throughout his career he has won numerous other awards. He published over sixteen books of poetry, one children's book, and he has been featured in several anthologies. Patrick Lane has also been employed as a writer-in-residence in various educational institutions, and libraries across Canada and he has also conducted many writing seminars and workshops.



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