Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité
Titre propre
Operating Records
Dénomination générale des documents
- Document graphique
- Enregistrement sonore
- Document textuel
Titre parallèle
Compléments du titre
Mentions de responsabilité du titre
Notes du titre
- Source du titre propre: Title based on source
Niveau de description
Série organique
Zone de l'édition
Mention d'édition
Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition
Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents
Mention d'échelle (cartographique)
Mention de projection (cartographique)
Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)
Mention d'échelle (architecturale)
Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)
Zone des dates de production
Zone de description matérielle
Description matérielle
ca. 30 cm of textual records
6 audio cassettes
ca. 75 photographs
Zone de la collection
Titre propre de la collection
Titres parallèles de la collection
Compléments du titre de la collection
Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection
Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection
Note sur la collection
Zone de la description archivistique
Nom du producteur
Histoire administrative
Chartered in 1921 as the 513th club of Kiwanis International and sponsored by the Moose Jaw Kiwanis Club, the 51 charter members of Swift Current took up the cause of serving their community and the children of the world. Early days saw help given to families for needs such as dental work, eyeglasses, cod liver oil, tonsil operations, and even graduation gowns, while today’s organization fills a much broader and varied mandate.
During the last 90 years the Kiwanis Club has helped to establish Kiwanis Park, the Kiwanis Ball Diamonds, and the Kiwanis Skate Park. And from 1924 until the 1970’s a Kiwanis Bathing Station was built and supervised on the creek at Elmwood Park. These are just a few of the accomplishments the club has achieved over the past 90 years.
Other projects the club has championed include: community talent shows; horticultural shows; an Air Cadet Band; a Junior Baseball League; working to bring 911 service to SW Saskatchewan; encouraging organ donations; constructing a kiosk on the Chinook Pathway; organizing the July 1 Parade for a number of years; completing numerous renovations at Crisis Services and Canadian Mental Health facilities, as well as assisting the Drug Task Force with it’s mandate.
Historique de la conservation
On 2009 June 22 and 2010 November 9 the records were transferred to the Swift Current Museum.
Portée et contenu
The fonds, related to the Kiwanis Club of Swift Current, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-booklet, 'Fifty Years of Building', 1921 - 1971 (2 copies)
-booklet, 'Thirty More Years of Building, 1971 - 2001'
-program, Charter Night, 1979
-program, Silver Jublilee Programme, 1949
-program, Charter Night, 1971 (50th Anniversary)
-yearly Officers and Committees pamphlets: 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1969-70, 1970-71, 1971-72, 1972-73, 1973-74, 1974-75, 1975-76, 1976-77, 1977-78, 1978-79; photocopies: 1953-1955.
-copy of Newsweek from August 28 1944, a nine page script stapled inside, written and performed by Kiwanis members.
-3 laminated newspaper clippings re: Victory Bond sales drive.
-folder re: Annual Kiwanis Road Race, c. 1960s, containing: newspaper clippings; and two copies of the Kiwanis Kronicle (August 12 & 13 1985)
-documents re: relationship with Malta, Montana; document and programs for a dedication ceremony of Peace Marker #29 on the International Border at Monchy, 1957; student exchange with Malta, Montana; documents re: Canada - United States Goodwill Week; document re: Kiwanis Club Cairns or Peace Marker, and their locations; program for the "Dedication of Commemoration Plaque August 24, 1958"; newspaper clippings re: student exchange with Malta and Peace Marker Ceremony; photos re: Malta exchange; article re: Nixon with some International Kiwanis members; photo of SC Kiwanis Club members in the Kiwanis Park by Harold Kemp's memorial plaque; photo of Malta exchange students from 1977; list of Malta exchange students from 1957 to 1971.
-book, Kiwanis History, 1922-1948, a handwritten history of the organization, includes entries from each year until 1948; newspaper clippings; programs for Kiwanis events; photos of a Kiwanis parade float; an invitation for a "Historical Buffalo Dinner" in 1923; pages are blank from 126 - 298.
-scrapbook, Kiwanis material from 1949 when Charles Warren was president, including typed agendas; typed weekly bulletins; newspaper clippings from 1949; President's Report from 1949.
-booklet, 'Swift Current Kiwanis Club Park Committee Annual Report 1944 Copy No. 3', includes a written report and several photographs of the park in 1939 ("then" photos) and 1944 ("now" photos).
-booklet, 'Swift Current Kiwanis Club Park Committee Annual Report 1944 Copy No. 1', includes a written report and several photographs of the park in 1939 ("then" photos) and 1944 ("now" photos).
-booklet, 'Swift Current Kiwanis Club Park Committee Annual Report 1943 Copy No. 3', includes a written report and several photographs of the park in 1943.
-booklet, 'Swift Current Kiwanis Club Park Committee Annual Report 1942', includes a written report and several photographs of the park in 1942.
-booklet, 'Swift Current Kiwanis Club Agriculture and Rural Relations Committee Annual Report 1941 Copy #3', includes a written report and several photographs of the park in 1941.
-booklet, 'Swift Current Kiwanis Club Agriculture and Rural Relations Committee Annual Report 1940 Copy #3', includes a written report and several photographs of the park in 1940.
-folder entitled 'Club History'; photo of unidentified men raising a flag (U.S. and a Red Ensign) in a city other than SC; a handwritten page of notes for '50 Years of Building' booklet; a list of titled individuals and a date, including 'The Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey Jan.24/52'; a picture of Dr. James Patterson Whyte.
-duotang; containing copy of an article re: Kiwanis donation to RCMP, a Crime Prevention Unit trailer in 1979; photos of the presentation ceremony; photos of the trailer.
-3 copies of a laminated excerpt from The Sun newspaper, September 1 1971, p. 11-14.
-scrapbook, "Southwest Booster Ad-Keep"; newspaper ads re: Kiwanis Club presidents; a photo of Charlie Warren and Carl Sundquist; photos and clippings re: visit of Kiwanis Governor of Western Canada, George Bush; The Sun newspaper excerpt from Kiwanis Festival of Stars in 1978; programs for Charter Night and Installation Night in 1979; miscellaneous newspaper clippings for Kiwanis activities in 1979; photo of I. Hansen, B. Washington, J. Donnelley & A. Longmore; photo of Charlie Warren talking on the telephone; orange felt flag that reads "Toronto Convention 1979 // Assistant Sergeant At Arms"; agenda for two meetings of the Kiwanis Club of Prairie Pioneers from 1979; document entitled "A Proclamation To All Citizens Of Saskatchewan Who Have Faith in God Almighty As Creator And Sustainer Of Life"; letter to Aleri Scott (SC president from 1978-79) from Kiwanis International re: award; decorated document entitled "I am proud to be a Canadian"; the remainder of the book is blank.
-envelope, containing last will and testament of Eva Kemp, in which $1000 is bequeathed to the SC Kiwanis Club park, and a letter from Eva Kemp's executors
-2 copies of a laminated excerpt from Southwest Booster, June 3 1996, pg. 7-10.
-laminated excerpt from The Sun newspaper, October 17 1957, p. 11-2 & 7-8, (boundary marker ceremony).
-blue felt pennant, reads "Cleveland - Ohio Kiwanis International 40th Anniversary 1915-1955"
-cassette tape, '1 Kiwanis Talent Festival 1975'
-cassette tape, '2 Kiwanis Talent Festival 1975'
-cassette tape, '3 Kiwanis Talent Festival 1975'
-cassette tape, 'Kiwanis Talent Festival '76 (Radio Rebroadcast, C.K.S.W.)'
-cassette tape, 'Kiwanis Talent Festival 1976-77 Regional Finals Part I'
-cassette tape, 'Kiwanis Talent Festival 1976-77 Regional Finals Part II'
Accrual - November 9 2010
In downstairs framed storage:
Plaque, Swift Current Kiwanis Club – Vocational Agricultural Proficiency Award
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International to KC of SC, Honorable Mention Club – Diamond Section Multiple Service Award, 1993 – 1994
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International to KC of SC, Honorable Mention Club – Diamond Section Multiple Service Award, 1991 – 1992
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International to KC of SC, Honorable Mention In The Silver Section Club Achievement Award, 1968
Plaque, Certificate of Appreciation presented to Kiwanis Club, for Ability Bowl IX, 1997
Framed certificate, Southwest Crisis Services thanks Swift Current Kiwanis, In appreciation of your donation to Duck Derby 1994
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International to KC of SC, Honorable Mention In The Diamond Section Multiple Service Award, 1985 – 1986
Framed certificate, Salvation Army thanking KC of SC, 1990
Plaque, from Kiwanis Club of Midlands, ON to the KC of SC, 1969
Framed certificate, from Air Cadet League of Canada, presented to KC of SC, in appreciation of services rendered to 605 ‘Tarry’ Squadron
Framed certificate, from the KC of SC, certifying that Leonard B. Corrigan is an Honorary member of the club
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International to KC of SC, Diamond Section Single Service Award, 1994 – 1995
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International to KC of SC, Diamond Section Multiple Service Award, 1995 – 1996
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International to KC of SC, Honor Club in The Diamond Section Single Service Award, 1986 – 87
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International to KC of SC, Honor Club Diamond Section Multiple Service Award, 1988 – 1989
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International to KC of SC, Honor Mention Diamond Section Multiple Service Award, 1989 – 1990
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis Club of Prairie Pioneers to KC of SC, on the occasion of their 60th anniversary
Plaque, presented by Kiwanis International, to KC of SC, Honorable Mention Diamond Section Multiple Service Award, 1990 – 1991
Plaque, from Kiwanis Club of Wascana, to KC of SC, in recognition of 75 years of Community Service
Trophy, Swift Current Kiwanis Club Junior Baseball Trophy for Annual Competition
In archival vault:
Vol. #1 – President’s binder, 2000 – 2001, contains President’s Summary by Emily Rempel; brochure of members and committees; correspondence; annual schedule of programs; photographs (see below); program, newspaper clippings, etc. from the Kiwanis International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication, June 10 2001; Malta Exchange; printed brochures; documents commemorating the 80th anniversary of the club in 2001, 1921 – 2001; guest book; newspaper clippings of other KC events in 2001, several presentations of cheques
Photos (including all A.2009.12 June 22 2009 accrual photographs)
103: rededication of Peace Cairn on the border between Canada and the USA, shared by KC of SC and Malta, Montana, June 10 2001
104: Emily Rempel, president of SC, and Laurel Enyeart, president of Malta, at the International Boundary marker
105 – 106: taken at International Boundary at the rededication of Peace Cairn, June 10 2001
107: unveiling of new plaque on Peace Cairn, Roy Bird, governor of the Western Canada district; Laurel Enyert, president of KC of Malta, Emily Rempel, president of KC of SC, and Jim Eversole, governor of the Montana district
108: Emily Rempel at Peace Cairn dedication
109: KC of the Prairie Pioneers at the Peace Cairn
110 - 111: Roy Bird, governor of the Western Canada district; Laurel Enyert, president of KC of Malta, Emily Rempel, president of KC of SC, and Jim Eversole, governor of the Montana district at a Flag Exchange
112: Peace Cairn decorated with Kiwanis Club banners
113 – 114: cake commemorating the rededication of the Peace Cairn
115 – 116: SC and Malta Kiwanis Members playing “Tug-of-War” game
117 – 120: KC of SC members at the Peace Cairn – back row: Wally Walker, John Leyshon, Jim Wallace, Hugh Caswell, Barry Cuthbert, Brad Wall, ?, Len Martinoski, Gilbert Bulin, Wally Pearson, Kevin Strangeland, sitting: Steve Krochak, Joan Krochak, Frank Smith, Emily Rempel, Allan Smith
121 – 136: photos taken at a banquet commemorating the KC of SC’s 80th anniversary, individuals in the photos include Betty McDougal, Don Forness, Emily Rempel, several images of the table setting, stage and KC display.
137 – 138: Kiwanis Float in a parade
139 - 146: KC of SC members at an event with other local service clubs, June 8 2001
147 – 154: Kiwanis Governor for Western Canada District visiting SC, speaking at a luncheon, Lenn Enns, Emily Rempel, and Les Matsalla are identified
155: three individuals at the attendance desk for the weekly luncheon meeting
156: Joan Krochak
157: MLA Brad Wall (later Premier)
158 – 162: unidentified Kiwanis members with individuals in a care centre
163 - 165: artist Noni Dornstauder
166 – 178: taken at KC of SC luncheon meetings, identified individuals include Barry Cuthbert, John (Jack) Wiebe, Lenn Enns, Emily Rempel, other individuals who are unidentified
Vol. #2 – President’s binder, 2001 – 2002, contains directory of members and committees; president’s report by Colin King; speeches and addresses; newspaper clippings about KC activities, several cheque presentations; obituary and eulogy for Ray Wiskar; correspondence; thank you cards from various individuals and organizations.
Vol. #3 – President’s binder, 2003 – 2004, contains directory of members and committees; president’s report by Barry Cuthbert; history of the SC Kiwanis Club; newspaper clippings about KC activities, especially the 2004 Frontier Days Parade which was organised by the KC; photographs (see below); thank you cards from various individuals and organizations.
- Barry Cuthbert in the Frontier Days Parade, 2004
- Parade Marshall Frank Smith in the Frontier Days Parade, 2004
- Kiwanis Club Frontier Days Parade, 2004
- Kiwanis Club members at the Frontier Days Parade, 2004
- Bryon Tallon and Jayson Sletten at the Frontier Days Parade, 2004
- Craig Menzies and Neil Beaubier at the Frontier Days Parade, 2004
185 – 187. Clowns at the Frontier Days Parade, 2004
188-197. “2nd Glance” program that collected second-hand books for recycling or redistribution (extra photos that are not numbered are in the sleeves of 194 to 197 behind the front photograph)
198 – 203. Photos from the Kiwanis International Convention in St. Louis, Missouri - Barry Cuthbert and Christine Lautsch, winner of a $1000 bursary
- students involved with the SC/Malta Student Exchange program (Tenise Sutter, Kristine Pederson, Jessica McMillan, John Sprague)
- Emily Rempel, Laurel Enyeart, and Ken Benson at the Student Exchange Farewell Luncheon
207 - 208. students involved with the SC/Malta Student Exchange program
209 – 213. KC members at an Installation Night banquet
Vol. #4. President’s binder, 2003 – 2004, contains directory of members and committees; president’s report by Dianne Miller; newspaper clippings about KC activities; obituaries of George Turner, Geoffrey Pardoe, Peder Myhr; correspondence, especially regarding the Kiwanis Sk8park and dentist Lawrence Reimer’s philanthropic journey to Ghana; thank you cards from various individuals and organizations; Western Canada District Midwinter Leadership Conference program; Aquatic Centre newsletter, 2005; program, guest book, etc. for Governor’s Official Visit, November 2004; correspondence; Kiwanis Club newsletter, October 2004; program, etc. for Installation Night, 2004; newspaper clippings pertaining to other community involvement of KC members.
214 – 224. photos from an Inter-Club golf tournament in Elbow, August 2005
225 – 227. photos from Western District KC Convention in Gimli, MB, August 2005
- Dianne Miller and Ross Orth at Western District KC Convention in Gimli, MB, August 2005
- Emily and Vince Rempel at Western District KC Convention in Gimli, MB, August 2005
- Ray Bunnel, Harold Benjamin, Doug Danroth, Prairie Pioneers members at Western District KC Convention in Gimli, MB, August 2005
- President Stewart and Irene White, from KC of Wascana, at Western District KC Convention in Gimli, MB, August 2005
- Metis Dancers at Western District KC Convention in Gimli, MB, August 2005
- Brian Rankin, Bob Rasotte, Calvin Demery, Ken Parker, members of the KC of Creekside
- Governor Elect Merron Pearce, International Treasurer Dave Curry, Western District Governor Designate Colin Reichle at Western District KC Convention in Gimli, MB, August 2005
- SC President Dianne Miller and Lieutenant Governor Emily Rempel at Western District KC Convention in Gimli, MB, August 2005
236-237. individuals golfing at a driving range, including Barry and Cathy Cuthbert - Randy Sommerfeld at a golf event
- float for the 2005 Frontier Days parade
- Ashley Gorrill and President Dianne Miller
- participants of the Parks Play program
242 – 243. students by science projects - Kiwanians Paul Howe, Ron Holmes, John Frame, Derek Ironside, Ken Sauer, Corry Hanlon, Jim McFarlane, Keith Edwards, Len Helfrich, Don Milne, David DeLong, Darlene Baker, Cec Jackson, Drew Barnes, Ray Burkett, Fred Reidmueller
- Western Canada Board 2004 – 2005
- students involved with the SC-Malta student exchange
247 – 250. Sleeping Children Around the World charity (also includes photos that are not numbered that in the same sleeves as the numbered photos)
251 - 254. Len Martinoski, Emily Rempel, Dianne Miller and Barry Cuthbert at Installation ceremony at Days Inn - Al Scott playing a clarinet at Installation ceremony at Days Inn
- Emily Rempel, Dianne Miller and Barry Cuthbert at Installation ceremony at Days Inn
- Karl Sundquist playing a violin at Installation ceremony at Days Inn
- Al Scoot playing a clarinet and Joan Williamson playing piano at Installation ceremony at Days Inn
- Karin Mitchell, Christine Ciona, Colin King and John Wiebe singing at Installation ceremony at Days Inn
- Bob Jamieson playing a guitar and Karl Sundquist playing a violin at Installation ceremony at Days Inn
261 – 264. Teresa Cole, Joanne Sthamann, Don Forness, Lorne Uher, Phyllis Radchenko and Liam Choo-Foo performing a Sgt. Renfrew skit at Installation ceremony at Days Inn (the variety performers at the Installation Night were considered a Chautauqua)
Vol. #5. President’s binder, 2007 – 2008, contains directory of members and committees; president’s report by Verna Lynne Knipfel; newspaper clippings about KC activities; programs for Kiwanis events and conventions; documents pertaining to the Kiwanis Western Canada District Annual Convention; obituaries for Frank Smith, Joe Lautsch and Esther Lewis; program for the 79th Annual SC and District Music Festival; other documents related to Kiwanis-supported causes, such as scholarships, science fair, Dr. Noble Irwin Healthcare, etc; program from 2007 Installation Night; thank you cards from various individuals and organization; final page is an outline of Kiwanis Club activities for the year.
Vol. #6. Kiwanis Club binder from 1997 – 2000; brochure outlining KC projects; newspaper clippings about KC activities, including several cheque presentations; blank postcards from Miami, Florida; correspondence pertaining to KC activities from; thank-you cards from various individuals and organizations; certificates awarded to KC; directory of members and committees, 1996 – 1999, Installation of Officers program, 1997; Governor’s Banquet and Social program, 1997; 79th Western Canada District Kiwanis International Convention program, 1997
265 - 281. Kiwanis delegates at a convention in Miami, FL, 2000
282 - 293. Kiwanis Club Fun Olympics (Kiwanis Club members, children, and other volunteers put on the program for the local care homes)
294 – 295. Kiwanis Club volunteering at the Canadian Blood Services Donor Clinic, including Ray Wiskar, and Audrey and Al Scott
296 – 302. Kiwanis Club banners from different Kiwanis Clubs
303 - 320. Kiwanis Club Fun Olympics (Kiwanis Club members, children, and other volunteers put on the program for the local care homes)
321 – 323. Artist Noni Dornstauder at a KC meeting
324 - 326. KC 1999 – 2000 board of directors: (back row) Alan Smith, Frank Smith, Eleanor Corby, Betty McDougall (secretary), Len Martinoski, Bob L’Heureux, (front row) Greg Lemon (treasurer), Wally Pearson (past president), Dave Spencer (president), Emily Rempel (1st vice president), Colin King (2nd vice president)
- Dave Spencer, Betty McDougall, Colin King, December 1999
- Dave Spencer
- Betty McDougall
- Bob L’Heureux, Len Martinoski, Al Smith, Eleanor Corby, December 1999
- Dave Spencer, December 1999
- Greg Lemon, Frank Smith, Don Forness, December 1999
- Wally Pearson, Greg Lemon, Frank Smith, December 1999
- Dave Spencer, Betty McDougall, Colin King, December 1999
- Wally Pearson, Len Martinoski, December 1999
- Betty McDougall, Dave Spencer, December 1999
337 - 339. Kiwanis members Everett Bolton, Wally Hall and Wally Pearson selling Kiwanis Christmas trees
340 - 343. Kiwanis Western Canada District Convention, at SCCHS, 1997
Vol. #7. Kiwanis Club scrapbook, 1969 - 1977, contains newspaper clippings about KC activities; KC of Shaunavon Charter Night program, 1974; KC of Prairie Pioneers Charter Night program, 1979; KC of SC Installation Night program, 1979, 1980;
- KC International Award, won by SC Club, image of the award being accepted by Lt. Gov. Ken Lewis, 1969
- Fred Lewis and Gil Kerley participating in the Meals on Wheels program, 1975
- Len Martinoski participating in the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle drive
- Jim Culham placing a cheque for $150 in a Salvation Army Christmas Kettle
- Al Rittenger, Dave Wall of CNIB, Mrs. E.F. Bowditch, and two unidentified men, Mrs. Bowditch is blind and is being presented with a talking book machine, sponsored by the SC Kiwanis Club, 1975 – 1976
- Mark Kilcher presenting a Tutorette to Learning Disabilities Consultant for Public Schools Bob Kissack
- Bill McNab presenting a cheque to Ed Loucks, Chairman of the Swift Current Day Care Centre fund raising campaign
351 – 352. John Leyshon presenting bursaries to four unidentified junior high school students - Bruce McIntosh, left, presenting a plaque to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evjen.
- Gil Kerley (right) presenting a cheque to Ron Murchie of the Green Braes Pipe and Drum Band to purchase a new bass drum.
- Gene Tapiau presenting a cheque to two members of the Irwin School Student Council, Gerry Orr and Margo Weiner
- Len Martinoski (left) and RCMP Inspector Carl Smith presenting Director of Education Brian Ward copies of the book “You and the Law” for use in schools
- individuals involved with the Malta student exchange, back row: Harry Stewart, Barry Munrow, Tammy Sadden, Rhonda Wall, Shelley Storey, Joni Loslegen, Patrick Schryber, Carl Totman, front row: Ron Stuff, Nancy Moen, Jackie Lang, Sheryl Flatt, Terry Brown, Tom Halvortson
358 – 359: KC members on a golf trip, 1979
360 – 361. KC members at a meeting in a Legion, Don Whiteman is standing at the podium
362 – 365. KC of Yorkton Installation Night
366 – 369. “Kiwanis Open Air Directors Meeting” at an unidentified location
Vol. #8. Kiwanis Club scrapbook, 1960, newspaper clippings about KC activities, especially several articles about local theatre, Malta exchange, Road Race, etc.
- several men at a Kiwanis International picnic, involving Saskatchewan and Montana Kiwanis Clubs
Vol. #9. Kiwanis Club scrapbook, contains an original Charter Night program from 1921; The Western Canada Kiwanian newsletter, February 1932, message from James P. Whyte on the cover; programs for Historical Buffalo Dinner, 1923 and a Minstrel Revue, 1926; various KC documents from the 1920s; article on Dr. J.P. Whyte; Silver Jubilee program, 1941; newspaper articles about KC activities, c. 1940s to 1979; correspondence from other Kiwanis Clubs; letter pertaining to SC’s “V.E. Day” parade; letter from Member of Parliament T.J. (Thomas John) Bentley regarding food shipments to Europe and the dissolution of the United Nations Relief & Rehabilitation Association; letter thanking the KC for their expressions of appreciation at Newfoundland’s entry into Union with Canada; poster for the “New Finance Five Dollar Wildcat Investment Content”; letter pertaining to the 1948 budget; correspondence pertaining to the “Kiwanis Kapers” radio program; correspondence from the Kiwanis International head office in Illinois; text of an address by Gladstone Murray, delivered in Toronto, 1950; 1953 budget; letter pertaining to an incubator donated to the SC Hospital; program for the dedication ceremony for the Peace Cairn; program for the dedication of a Commemoration Plaque at Banff National Park, 1958; newsletter, Western Canada District News, 1958; correspondence regarding Kiwanis Park; campaign material for C.W. (Charlie) Warren’s bid for the office of District Governor-Elect; documents pertaining to Agriculture and Rural Relations Committee; thank you letters from various organizations to which the KC has given money; correspondence pertaining to the KC funding the change rooms at Elmwood Park, 1970; newspaper articles pertaining to the SC Junior Band’s trip to the CNE in Toronto in 1963; documents pertaining to the 50th anniversary of the KC of SC, 1971; summary of KC years 1973 – 1975; booklet, Fifty Years of Building, 1971.
- Dr. J.P. Whyte
Photographs removed from photo album 1 (album not kept):
372 - 373. Kiwanis Club members selling apples in the Apple Drive
- KC Fun Olympics, date unknown, c. 1970?
- Kiwanis Kords band playing in an auditorium
- a group of students sitting on a tank
377 - 379. KC event, perhaps the Fun Olympics, date unknown, Geoff Wilson is in 377 & 378
380 - 382. Three unidentified men making signs in a wood shop, “Len” is written on the back of each image - two unidentified individuals selling Kiwanis Christmas tree, “BJ” written on the back
384 – 385. Two KC floats in a Frontier Days parade, date unknown, “BJ” written on the back
386 – 387. KC sitting outdoors at Saskatchewan Landing, “BJ” written on the back
388 - 389. A curling team, “Bob Hill” written on back
390 – 391. KC members at a podium, “Pardoe” written on reverse, commemorating 45 year member Bob Moore - “Harold (Shorty) Kemp” memorial plaque on a rock in Kiwanis Park
- “Kiwanis Minor League” baseball field, located at 19th Ave NE
- large floral “K” in the Kiwanis Club park, the man in the photo is Frank Smith, “F. Smith” written on the reverse
- Swift Current Abilities Centre, located 1551 North Railway St. W, the building reads “S.C.C.C.A. Southwest Ability Centre”
396 – 398. KC celebrating New Years at the Horseshoe Lodge, 1984 – 1985 - Kiwanis-Rotary Night, February 1984, individuals are as follows: Fred Johnson ( Lt. Gov. For SK), Mrs. Johnson, Kiwanis President Geoff Pardoe, Rotary President Wally Nickolaichuk, the two boys in front are Jason and Leland Teichroeb
400 -401. A noon luncheon, date unknown
402 – 420. KC Installation Night banquet, date unknown, c. 1980s - choir at a KC Installation Night banquet, date unknown, c. 1980s
- a guitarist and a pianist at a KC Installation Night banquet, date unknown, c. 1980s
423 - 424. KC “Social Club”, individuals are unidentified - Lyn Munro, president of Swift Current Block Parents, accepting a cheque from the KC, 1981 (for $475 for operating capital)
- Kiwanis swimming hole, Elmwood Park
- Frank Smith, Mayor Bob (R.C.) Dahl, Jackson Running and Salvation Army representative Al Smith (two men on the right are unidentified) at a ceremony outside the change rooms are the Kiwanis swimming hole, Elmwood Park
Photographs removed from photo album 2 (album not kept):
428 - 446. Kiwanis Club banquet at the Horseshoe Lodge, date unknown, c. 1980s, Don Whiteman (430), Charlie Warren (432), Frank Smith (434) were present, the “Kiwanis Kords” band is on the stage
447 – 452. photos of a Kiwanis Club banquet, “from Padre Hall // 60th” written on the back of one
- image from the same banquet as 428 – 446.
- Kiwanis Club Frontier Days parade float, 1941
- Kiwanis Club Frontier Days parade float, 1984
- Kiwanians beginning to work on the first Kiwanis Park, located south of the hospital, the photo was taken looking east towards Ashley Park
- first Kiwanis Park and the old hospital
- second Kiwanis Park, c. 1970s
- “Kiwanis Minor League” baseball field, located at 19th Ave NE
Photographs removed from album 3 (album not kept) (some duplicates removed):
460 - 470. Kiwanis Club New Years party at the Horseshoe Lodge, 1983 – 1984
- several unidentified individuals at a banquet table, a poster on the table reads “Partners in Preventing Crime”
- certificate presentation, one man is presenting another with a certificate acknowledging the Kiwanis Club’s contribution to crime prevention, the man on the right is Gary Lane, who became Saskatchewan’s Attorney General in 1982
- an unidentified man standing by a Kiwanis Western Canada District banner, 1984
- Al Scott and Hugh Caswell at a Kiwanis Club function
- Charlie Warren and Bob Moore
- Charlie Warren, Ridgeway Booker, Nuevo Club president Dave Curtis, Bert Washington and Bob Moore, the KC is presenting a Maple Leaf flag to the Nuevo Club, 1977
- Sleeping Children Around the World charity photo, Thailand
- four individuals, including Fred Lewis and Gil Bolin, around a Salvation Army Christmas Kettle
- a group of people around a sign on the Chinook Pathway
- two unidentified individuals at the Peace Cairn on the border between Canada and the USA
- four unidentified individuals at the Peace Cairn on the border between Canada and the USA, 2001
- Joan (Bates) Krochak speaking at a podium
- new Kiwanis members Wally Pearson, Donna Lachapelle, Bill Mann, Gary Anderson (the woman on the right hand side is unidentified)
- a curling team holding trophies, Curtis Bee, Gene Tapiau, Geoff Wilson, Walter Schellenberg, 1977
- Fred Lewis and Gil Kerley participating in the “Meals on Wheels” charity program
- a man drinking from a beer can helmet, “Kiwanis Club Swift Current” is written on the helmet, “Bob Hill” is written on the back of the photo
- three men participating in the Kiwanis Club Apple Drive, “B. Hill” written on back
- two unidentified men loading corn into the back of a truck
- Harry Shaw and Jack Lundholm wearing costumes to advertise the “Kiwanis Kapers” radio show
Vol. 10, binder, contains a history of the original Kiwanis Club park, several photographs of the park’s development from 1939 – 1945, and the following reports:
Swift Current Kiwanis Club Park Committee Annual Report – 1945
Swift Current Kiwanis Club Park Committee Annual Report 1944
Swift Current Kiwanis Club Park Committee Annual Report 1943
Swift Current Kiwanis Club Park Committee Annual Report 1942
Swift Current Kiwanis Club Agriculture & Rural Relations Committee Annual Report 1941
Swift Current Kiwanis Club Agriculture & Rural Relations Committee Annual Report 1940
Swift Current Kiwanis Club Agriculture & Rural Relations Committee Report for Year 1939
Information about the history of the park, the previous growing season, new developments, finance, future plans, etc., and several photographs document the progress of the park each year.
- Kiwanis Club members in first Kiwanis Park after inspection, 1943, all men are unidentified.
- Kiwanis Club members in first Kiwanis Park after inspection, 1942, all men are unidentified.
- Kiwanis Club members in first Kiwanis Park after inspection, 1944, all men are unidentified.
493 – 512. Kiwanis Park photos from 1945 report, see database for full catalogue descriptions.
513 – 568. Kiwanis Park photos from 1944 report, see database for full catalogue descriptions.
569 – 595. Kiwanis Park photos from 1943 report, see database for full catalogue descriptions.
596 – 631. Kiwanis Park photos from 1942 report, see database for full catalogue descriptions.
632 – 658. Kiwanis Park photos from 1941 report, see database for full catalogue descriptions.
659 – 694. Kiwanis Park photos from 1940 report, see database for full catalogue descriptions.
695 – 724. Kiwanis Park photos from 1939 report, see database for full catalogue descriptions.
Discrete photographs:
725 - 759. Described in database.
Images used in Kiwanis Club booklet “50 Years of Building” in the order that they appear, each in an envelope:
- (1) 1970 – 1971 Kiwanis Executive – Bob Shaw, Frank Smith, Gordon Stark
- (2) Lt. Governor Don Whiteman
- (3) Kiwanis Club curlers Curtis Boe, Gene Tapiau, Geoff Wilson, Walter Schellenberg
- (4) Karl Sundquist and Hank Anderson delivering Meals on Wheels
- (5) Cecil Jackson, president 1973 – 1974
- (6) Rod Munro (Ron?), Frank Smith, Albert Sulz, Al Marstad, Fred Lewis, Norm Hiebert, Frank Washington
- (7) SC Junior Band, unidentified members
- (9) Lt. Gov. Don Whiteman installing Charter President of new Shaunavon club, John Bleakley
- (10) ringing Salvation Army bells, Fred Lewis, Gil Bulin, captain (unidentified), and Berger Johnson
- (11) Mark Kilcher, president from 1974 – 1975
- (12) Murray Dodds
- (13) Al Rittinger, president from 1975 – 1976
- (15) Harry Stewart, president from 1976 – 1977
- (16) Walter Buffam
- (17) Hank Anderson (third from the left) presenting award for Outstanding Community Participation to Murray Ward of the Burnham 4-H Club, the woman on the left is Mrs. A. Sabine, and the woman on the right is Mrs. V. Wilson, 1969
- (18) Maurice Hesford, president 1933, Charter Member
- (20) Frank Smith, president 1970 – 1971
- (21) Al Scott, president 1978 – 1979
778a-d. (23) Ian Hay, president 1979 – 1980 - (24) Irving Hanson
- (25) Baden Campbell
- (26) Kiwanis sponsored Abilities Bus
- (28) Gord McMillan and his daughter, president 1981 – 1982
- (30) Geoff Pardoe, president 1983 – 1984 (also his funeral card)
- (31) Jack Slinn, president 1984 – 1985, and MLA Pat Smith
785a-b. (32 & 33) Mark Kilcher and Len Enns, dressed as Father Time and Baby New Year respectively, 1983 - 1984 - (34) Len Enns and Mark Kilcher, 1983 – 1984 New Years
- (35) Dr. Kilcher, New Years, 1984
- (36) Lenn Enns and Mark Kilcher with Cathy Cuthbert, New Years Baby, 1984 New Years
- (37) Charles Warren, president 1949
- (38) Elmer Meyer, president 1985 – 1986
- (39) Ken Lewis, president in 1952
- (40) Len Martinoski at a Salvation Army Christmas Kettle, president 1986 – 1987
- (41) Charles Warren pinning Bob Moore with Legion of Honour
- (42) Hugh Caswell, 1987 – 1988
- (44) John Leyshon, president 1989 – 1990
- (45) Lyle Blenner-Hassett, president 1990 – 1991
797a-b. (46) Don Sommerfeld, president 1991 – 1992
798a-b. (47) Steve Krochak, president 1992 – 1993, with Governor Bernie Broshco
799a-b. (48) four Kiwanis Club member at Fort William in 1947, the two men on the right are Archie Walkinshaw and Les McKenzie, one of the two men on the left is Maurice Jeffery (uncertain)
800a-b. (49) Bob Jamieson, president 1993 – 1994, being inducted by Lt. Gov. Jerry Haubrich in 800a - (51) Peder Myhr with Mark Kilcher
- (52) Joan Krochak, president 1995 – 1996
- (53) Frank Warder, president 1969
804a-b. (54) Kiwanis Club members serving cake to celebrate their 75th Anniversary in the Wheatland Mall, 1996. - (55) Frontier City Saloon on Frontier Days, with Kiwanis 75th Anniversary sign, 1996
806a-b. (56) Glen Rittinger, president 1996 – 1997, with Dr. Keith Robin in 806a - (57) Bob L’Heureux, president 1997 – 1998
- (58) Walter Pearson, 1998 – 1999
- (59) David Spencer, president 1999 – 2000
- (61) John Leyshon, Lt. Gov. 2000 – 2001 (CD, not photograph)
- (62) Emily Rempel, president 2000 – 2001
Other misc. Kiwanis Club photos:
Envelope #1.
- an unidentified member of the Kiwanis Club presenting a cheque for $350 to J. Penman
- members of the SC Kiwanis Club, inside a meeting or hotel room, stamp on the back reads “West’s Studio 2070 Albert St. Regina – Sask”
- Kiwanis member Jim Culham presenting a cheque to Ed Smith
815 - 817. Frank Smith, Jackson Running, Robert Dahl and other individuals, at a ceremony unveiling a plaque on the change rooms at the Elmwood Park swimming hole, the plaque is commemorating the 50 year anniversary of the Kiwanis Club, 1921 to 1971 - Frank Smith presenting a cheque to John Patker (Patzer?)
- First Kiwanis Park, hospital in the background
820 – 826. winners of the Kiwanis Snowman Festival, the children are unidentified - Malta student exchange, 1988
- an unidentified group of people holding trophies
Envelope # 2.
829 - 836. Kiwanis Club members spending time with older individuals in wheels chairs, perhaps care home residents, it appears that there was some kind or performance taking place
- a choir of young people
- two Kiwanis club members selling apples
- two unidentified Kiwanis Club members
- two KC members in a wood shop making signs for people’s houses
- Kiwanis Club float in a parade
- sign celebrating KC’s 75h Anniversary, hung on Frontier Days saloon
- unveiling of new plaque on Peace Cairn, Roy Bird, governor of the Western Canada district; Laurel Enyert, president of KC of Malta, Emily Rempel, president of KC of SC, and Jim Eversole, governor of the Montana district
844 – 849. KC members in a bar or tavern
850 – 859. KC members at a luncheon meeting
Envelope # 3.
860 - 865. unknown meeting, adults and children in the audience, a woman is speaking
866 – 869. St.John’s Ambulance First Aid course
- several young women outside the Rec Centre
871 – 874. several students sitting on the 14th Canadian Hussars tank outside the Rec Centre
875 – 876. empty concrete planter in the new KC park
877 – 878. “Kiwanis Minor League” baseball diamond
879 – 881. KC event, with Charlie Warren, Bob Moore, and the Junior Band (“Pardoe” written on reverse) - curling events, “Bob Hill” written on reverse
Envelope # 4.
883 - 894. a KC event, the room is decorated like a carousel, only women are present
895 – 896. individuals outside on the Chinook Pathway
Envelope # 5.
897 – 898. children swimming
899 – 900. a group of children
901 – 903. children eating ice cream sundaes
- individuals getting lunch at a table
905 – 908. individuals at a luncheon inside the Palliser Pavilion, decorated with a Western theme - red trailer fastened to a truck, “Merv’s Pitchfork Fondue”
910 – 911. meeting a high school sign reads “Exploring New Frontiers” - three individuals and a BBQ at the entrance to the Palliser Pavilion
- two KC members behind a counter, KC convention hosted in SC, watermelons on the counter
- kids playing with tangram puzzles
- KC members mingling in a group, Glen Rittinger
- KC convention hosted in SC, individuals at a banquet
- young people by a white van in a parking lot
- KC members standing from their chairs, reading from programs
919 – 920. two unidentified individuals
Envelope # 6.
921 – 922. Junior Band playing at a KC banquet
- four KC members holding yellow hardhats
924 - 926. Bob Jamieson at a KC banquet, perhaps his induction as President
927 - 928. eight KC members
929 – 932. casino themed KC event
Envelope # 7.
933 – 978. Kiwanis Club International convention banquet in SC, including photos of presentations, diners, and groups photos of unidentified individuals
- KC luncheon, two unidentified individuals shaking hands
980 – 985. KC banquet, only women in the audience, room is decorated like a carousel
986 – 990. Art Gallery curator Kim Houghtaling speaking in the gallery, “The Symons Trail” exhibition - individuals on the Chinook Pathway
- KC members at a muffin banquet
- charity display in the SC Comprehensive high school
- individuals at an art gallery gift shop
995 – 996. outdoor painting workshop by the creek, Stephanie Kaduck is the instructor
Envelope # 8.
997 – 1000. KC members, including Lorne Uher and Emily Rempel, reading to young children at a day care or kindergarten class
Envelope # 9.
1001 – 1003. children’s event in the Saloon at Doc’s Town
1004 – 1006. children’s event at the Rec Centre
1007 - 1009. KC meeting at the high school
- KC members eating lunch
1011 – 1016. KC members in a classroom - grandstand bleachers at the Fair Grounds
- KC member promoting a “Last Call” safe driving program
- two KC members on a small stage at a banquet
1020 - 1028. a children’s event, including eating and playing mini golf - archaeological dig
- children at an outdoor event
- KC members at a banquet, including Emily Rempel
- four unidentified KC members
Envelope # 10.
1033 - 1036. KC members working on construction, painting and dry walling, renovations to the Safe Shelter
- KC Board of Directors, 2003 – 2004
1038 - 1054. individuals at the driving range of the Chinook golf course for a golf competition, renting balls and equipment in a tent - opening of the Southwest Crisis Services “Basement Boutique”, SWCS staff representative Carol Koch giving a gift to KC members Al and Barry Cuthbert, November 8 2002
- unidentified individuals working on renovations to the Safe Shelter, September 2002
1057 - 1058. KC members at the opening of the Southwest Crisis Services “Basement Boutique”, November 8 2002
1059 - 1062. KC members working on renovations to the Safe Shelter, September 2002 - pre-renovation image of the Safe Shelter basement
1064 – 1065. opening of the Southwest Crisis Services “Basement Boutique”, Joyce Goodhand, Annie Norine, Colin King and Sheila Rose in 1065
Envelope # 11.
1066 - 1073. KC members in the saloon at Fair Grounds, c. 1996
1074 - 1076. four KC members at the head table during a luncheon meeting, 1995
1077 - 1082. KC members cutting cake at both Wheatland and SC Malls, celebrating the SC Kiwanis Club’s 75th anniversary, 1996
- three KC members at the head table during a luncheon meeting
1084 - 1085. KC members in the saloon at Fair Grounds - children playing volleyball, 1996
- KC members in the saloon at Fair Grounds, dancing, 1996
1088 – 1089. children playing basketball, 1996 - four KC members at the head table during a luncheon meeting
- four KC members by the Abilities Bus, 1996
1092 - 1093. a speaker at a KC luncheon meeting
1094 - 1099. KC members cutting cake at SC Mall, celebrating the SC Kiwanis Club’s 75th anniversary, 1996
1100 - 1102. KC members in the saloon at Fair Grounds
1103 – 1104. children playing ball in a parking lot - KC members in the saloon at Fair Grounds
1106 – 1107. KC members spending time with older people in a care home, 1995
1108 - 1110. KC members in the saloon at Fair Grounds - KC members spending time with older people in a care home, 1995
1112 – 1116. KC members in the saloon at Fair Grounds
Envelope # 12.
1117 – 1118. Junior Band performing at a KC meeting, perhaps at the 65th anniversary in 1986
- three unidentified KC members, perhaps at the 65th anniversary in 1986
- two unidentified individuals shaking hands at a KC meeting, perhaps at the 65th anniversary in 1986
- speaker at a KC meeting, perhaps at the 65th anniversary in 1986
- Len Stein speaking at a KC meeting, perhaps at the 65th anniversary in 1986
- Geoff Wilson speaking at a KC meeting, perhaps at the 65th anniversary in 1986
- Pat Smith speaking at a KC meeting, perhaps at the 65th anniversary in 1986
- cake commemorating the SC KC’s 65 anniversary, 1986
- Pat Smith, an unidentified KC member, Geoff Wilson and Len Stein cutting a cake commemorating the SC KC’s 65 anniversary, 1986
- two unidentified KC members loading corn into the back of a truck
1128 – 1140. Ability Bowl, year unknown
1141 – 1149. Swift Current Air Cadets in the Rec Centre
Envelope # 13.
- a group of young people playing video games in a common room
1151 – 1152. a group of young people playing sports in the Rec Centre - a group of people in the lobby of the Art Gallery
1154 – 1156. a KC convention in the Palliser Pavilion, 1997
1157 – 1158. a KC convention in the high school 1997 - two women looking at pictures in the Art Gallery
- a Lloydminster display at a KC contention, 1997
- individuals eating lunch in a classroom at a KC convention, 1997
1162 - 1177. individuals at a KC contention, 1997 - five KC members in a meeting room
- KC members eating in the high school cafeteria at a 1997 convention
1180 - 1181. KC members placing lit candles on a large wheel, commemorating “Young Children Priority One” - an unidentified man speaking at a podium at a KC convention, 1997
- the Palliser Pavilions decorated like the Old West
Envelope # 14.
- two unidentified men shaking hands in front of a KC banner
- two unidentified men shaking hands in front of a KC banner
- KC members eating at a banquet table, Bob and Deb Jamieson
- individuals eating in a banquet hall, two are Beulah Caswell and Steve Krochak
- individuals eating in a banquet hall
- two unidentified individuals
1190 – 1191. KC members playing poker - a KC member giving a cheque to a man with a seeing eye dog
1193 - 1195. a television reporter interviewing KC members on the Chinook pathway
Envelope # 15.
1196 – 1214. KC induction night, for 1996 – 1997, individuals include Dave Cyca and Bob Jamieson (1202)
Envelope # 16.
- KC members at a banquet table
- a KC member presenting a cheque to an unidentified man
1217 - 1218. a KC member presenting a cheque to an unidentified man - KC members at a banquet table
Envelope # 17.
- Emily Rempel at the Kiwanis International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication, June 10 2001
- Roy Bird, governor of the Western Canada district; Laurel Enyert, president of KC of Malta, Emily Rempel, president of KC of SC, and Jim Eversole, governor of the Montana district at the Kiwanis International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication, June 10 2001
- a tug-of-war
- Laurel Enyert and Emily Rempel exchanging flags
1224 - 1233. KC members at the International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication ceremony at Monchy, June 10 2001 - MLA Yogi Huegabaret, at the International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication ceremony at Monchy, June 10 2001
- site of the International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication ceremony at Monchy, June 10 2001
- MLA Brad Wall, at the International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication ceremony at Monchy, June 10 2001
- of the International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication ceremony at Monchy, June 10 2001
- plaque on the Kiwanis International Peace Cairn
- KC members at the International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication ceremony at Monchy, June 10 2001
Envelope # 18.
- unidentified KC member in a campsite, drinking from a “stubby” beer bottle
- unidentified KC members in a room
- three KC members selling apples, the man on the right is Don Whiteman
- two KC members, one presenting a certificate to another
- two KC members shaking hands at a KC International event
- a KC member selling Xmas trees
- Frank Smith and Nikki Carefoot at the Palliser Hospital, November 1984
- men at a banquet table, sign reads “Wascana Kiwanis and Regina High School Football // A Partnership in Success”
- KC members playing golf
- SC Special Olympics team, provincial track meet in Saskatoon, June 1984
- a KC banquet, Glen Rittinger at the table, one member is receiving a pin from the Lt. Gov.
1251 - 1252. two KC members holding a red ribbon, 1994 - KC members at the International Peace Cairn Re-Dedication ceremony at Monchy, June 10 2001
- KC Western Canada District convention registration, 1997
- a rodeo at the Fair Grounds during Frontier Days, 1997
- a KC Frontier Days float, 1982 (celebrating SC’s 100 year anniversary)
- KC members getting food from a buffet
- a KC cheque presentation
- KC members playing golf
- KC members curling, “Bob Hill” written on reverse
- Jim Culham and Michael Heap, director of the SC Junior Band
- KC member donating to the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle
- Pat Smith, Geoff Wilson and Len Stein cutting a 65th Anniversary cake, 1986
- a KC members speaking at a podium at a meeting
- KC members standing behind a banquet table, a man playing the bagpipes
- people on the Chinook pathway
- Peder Myhr, Grant McEwan and Jack Slinn
1268 - 1270. KC members speaking at meetings - KC float in a Frontier Days parade, 1955
- six KC members, including Cec Jackson and Harry Stewart, 1973
- a young man using a router to make a sign for a house, the back reads “Major Emphasis Project // Help People – 3 countries”
- two unidentified women in a campsite
Envelope # 19.
1275 – 1313. “Sleeping Children Around The World” charity, each photo has three children who had received a bed kit through this charity, in each photo one of the donors is either the SC KC, or the Kiwanis Foundation of Canada
Envelope # 20.
- KC Western Canada Convention, 1994
- “Kiwanis International 1992 – 93 Distinguished Club Officers” felt patch
- Don Murdoch being presented with an award
1317 - 1320. KC members at a Western Canada Convention, 1994 - KC member (perhaps Lt. Gov.) presenting a patch to Lawrence Schatkoski
- KC member (perhaps Lt. Gov.) presenting a pin to Ralph Liepold
Envelope # 21.
1323 – 1324. four young women holding test paper, three unidentified adults behind them
Photos not in envelopes:
- Malta exchange in 1977, KC President Harry Stewart and high school principal John Penner
- “Kiwanis Kords”, the KC band
- Kiwanis events in Waskesiu, 1932, some SC members in the photo include Abe (A.B.) Elliott, Hal Fraser, Maurice Hesford, James Wesley Alexander
- Kiwanis Western Canada District Convention, Fort William – Port Arthur, 1930, Maurice Hesford was the only SC delegate
Folder #1 (contains letters with accompanying photographs).
- Gene Tapiau, Chairman of the Boys and Girls Committee, presenting a cheque to Ron Meyers, principal of Central School, to help fund a trip to the Legislature in Regina, 1977, with accompanying letter
- Gene Tapiau, Chairman of the Boys and Girls Committee, presenting a cheque to Betty Bereth of the Girl Guide Association, 1977, with accompanying letter
1331 – 1332. Gene Tapiau, Chairman of the Boys and Girls Committee, presenting board games to Frank Hegel, principal of St. Joseph’s School, 1977, with accompanying letter - Hazel Steinborn, of the Golden Prairie String Ensemble, presenting a cheque to Bob Gray, Chairman of the Kiwanis Sheltered Workshop Committee, for a Crippled Children Fund, and to help establish a South West Ability Centre, 1977, with accompanying letter
- Jackson Running and Frank Warder delivering Meals on Wheels, 1976, with accompanying letter
1335 – 1339. curling teams holding trophies, with negatives of curling images as well, and a letter about the SC Snowman Festival.
1340 – 1341. a young woman, _____ Morstad, KC member Lyle Blenner-Hasset in 1341, with a letter about Frontier Days
Envelope # 22.
- KC float in a parade, one man shooting an arrow at another, “Kiwanis Apple Day William Tell”
1343 – 1345. “before” and “after” photos of a linen closet, March 2003, perhaps related to renovations at Southwest Crisis Services - an unidentified KC member working on renovations, March 2003
- an unidentified KC members speaking at a luncheon meeting
- Walter Buffam, Leader of Spiritual Aims Committee
Folder #2:
-letter, newspaper clippings, re: Charles Warren running in a race while he was a University student in Saskatoon, 1925
-thank you letters to KC
Kiwanis Club correspondence:
-invitation to KC 80th Anniversary Celebration, 2001
-letter from Don Nicholson outlining the events of his presidency in 1957, sent in 1972
-letter from Ridge Booker to Frank Smith, contains a photo of some KC members (#1348, Ridge Booker is second from the right), and information about Ridge’s visits to the KC of Tempe, Arizona
-invitation from the City of SC to a luncheon in honour of the visit of Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor F.L. Bastedo
Folder #3:
Misc. Kiwanis Club documents:
-campaign material for Frank Smith, running for KC Lt. Gov. of Western Canada District
-KC membership list from 1921 – 1978
-KC membership list, 1921 – c. 1940
-history of the Kiwanis Club, started in Detroit in 1915
-newspaper except commemorating the SC KC’s 75th anniversary
-“Legion of Honor” certificate for J.O. Begg
-newspaper clipping on Cec Jackson and Don Whiteman
-Southwest Saskatchewan Traumatic Events Response Team brochure
-misc. negatives, of Ability Bowl, plaque on Peace Cairn
-Charter Presentation program for 1971, 50th anniversary of the SC KC
-2 copies of “Fifty Years of Building” booklet, 1971
-newspaper clipping, Ian Hay at a Salvation Army Christmas Kettle
-3 CDs of images
-SC KC committees and officers from 2002 – 2003
-copy of a newspaper clipping about Dr. J.P. Whyte
Discrete objects:
gavel, “Donated To S.C. Kiwanis Club // By Past Governor J.P. Whyte // 1933”
brass cup, “Swift Current // Kiwanis Club // 65th Anniversary // 1986 // Congratulations // Pat Smith // MLA”
wooden box, given to the SC Kiwanis Club as a thank you from the Southwest Crisis Services
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- anglais
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- latin
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Numéro normalisé
Mots-clés - Sujets
Mots-clés - Lieux
Mots-clés - Noms
- Kiwanis Club of Swift Current (Sujet)