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Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw
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The Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw was formed in 1919, and held its first club meeting on April 29 of that year. Its first officers were elected on May 20, 1919, and was chartered on November 25, 1919. One of the club’s founding members was well-known Moose Javian, H.L. Fysh.
The club later became incorporated on November 22, 1953, and certified under the Companies Act on December 8, 1955.
The club was designed to assist the community in different ways, such as in delivering christmas hampers, raising money to support children, hosting a student exchange program, and generally promoting kinship and community. One of the club’s first projects was the building of a swimming pool in the Moose Jaw Young Women’s Christian Association building. Other projects included donating $2000 to the construction of the Moose Jaw Civic centre, and sending parcels to soldiers during the Second World War.
Due to low membership, the Kiwanis Club of Moose Jaw disbanded, holding its last official meeting on June 16, 2015.