- ArchiefJGD/MG01 - John G. Diefenbaker fonds
- ReeksXVII. Photographs and Slides Series
- 428 more...
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1389 - John and Jackie Kennedy and George and Pauline Vanier
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1390 - John Kennedy speaking in the House of Commons
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1391 - John Kennedy speaking in the House of Commons
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1392 - Olive Diefenbaker with Jacqueline Kennedy
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1393 - John Diefenbaker with John Kennedy
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1394 - John and Olive Diefenbaker with John and Jackie Kennedy and George and Pauline Vanier
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1395 - Air Force I - Kennedy Visit
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 14 - Halyconia School class
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 139 - John Diefenbaker with Edna Bower (Diefenbaker)
- 7693 more...