- ArchiefJGD/MG01 - John G. Diefenbaker fonds
- ReeksXVII. Photographs and Slides Series
- 445 more...
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1404 - Olive Diefenbaker Jackie Kennedy and Pauline Vanier
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1405 - John Diefenbaker unveiling Taras Shevechenko statue
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 140 - Edna Diefenbaker leaning on a fence
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1406 - John Diefenbaker at Canadian Legion - Polish Branch Sarnia
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1407 - John Diefenbaker at office birthday party
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1408 - John Diefenbaker with J. Fisher and Miss Pound at office birthday party
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1409 - Eleanor Roosevelt and John Diefenbaker in Newfoundland
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1410 - Eleanor Roosevelt and John Diefenbaker in Newfoundland
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/JGD 1411 - John and Olive Diefenbaker with Joey Smallwood
- 7676 more...