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Music - Performance√
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Dick Warren fonds

  • SCM-RG-0035
  • Fonds
  • 24 April 2004

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Boys' Band, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:

Folder #1 - Photographs:

  1. 26 copies of a postcard with a photo of the Swift Current Boys' Band in Memorial Park, n.d.
  2. the Air Cadet band, (back row - standing): Charles Warren, Kelly Hayward, Art Elefson, Clifford Shirriff, George Shick, Maver McKay, Ernie Moen, Bill Wilson, Jack Hudson, Ross McLeod, Jim Standen, Ed Fisher, Ross Bearman, (front row - kneeling or sitting): Wilf Siebel, Gordon Traub, Alvin Carleton (?), Wally Walker, Ken Schmidt, Bill Ford, Gerald Thorneycroft, Dick Warren, Ken Moore, Everett Lett, Barry Traub (?), Ian Phillips, Ted White
  3. members of a Swift Current band (tintype photo)
  4. postcard with an image of a band in front of a horse-drawn wagon, ca. 1930s
  5. Swift Current Boys Band, photo taken inside an H-Hut, n.d.
  6. Swift Current Boys Band, 1913
  7. Swift Current Boys Band, n.d.
  8. Swift Current Boys Band, n.d.
  9. Swift Current Boys Band, taken on the front steps of Toronto City Hall, 1952
  10. Swift Current Boys Band, n.d.
  11. Swift Current City Band, 1921
  12. Swift Current City Band, ca. 1921
  13. Swift Current City Band, ca. 1913
  14. Swift Current City Band, ca. 1912
  15. Swift Current band, ca. 1910
  16. Medicine Hat band, ca. 1912
  17. Swift Current Citizen's Band, 1906: (back row) Reid, Marlow, Dick, Moote, Benson, Clinite, (middle row) Hodges, Sykes, Maxwell, Stephenson, Talman, Jones, (front row) Smith, Furnace
  18. Swift Current Citizen's Band, 1906: (back row) Reid, Marlow, Dick, Moote, Benson, Clinite, (middle row) Hodges, Sykes, Maxwell, Stephenson, Talman, Jones, (front row) Smith, Furnace
  19. Swift Current Boys Band in a parade, Calgary, 1956

Folder #2: scrapbook, containing newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, etc. that chronicle the band's events and trips, from 1949 to 1956, including their trips to Toronto, Calgary, Moose Jaw and Lethbridge.

Photographs in scrapbook:

  1. Swift Current Boy's Band banner
  2. four members of the Swift Current Boys Band, and three young women, posing in a restaurant, perhaps taken during the band's trip to Toronto in 1952
  3. members of the Swift Current Boys Band seated at long tables in a restaurant, perhaps taken during the band's trip to Toronto in 1952
  4. several members of the Swift Current Boys Band and a few young women seated at typesetting machines, perhaps taken during a tour of a newspaper office on the band's trip to Toronto in 1952
  5. several young women who are part of the Swift Current Boys Band, perhaps taken during the band's trip to Toronto in 1952
  6. members of the Swift Current Boys Band, a young women in the front row is holding a trophy, there is a welcome sign behind the band, taken in a restaurant, perhaps taken during the band's trip to Toronto in 1952
  7. Charles Warren (on the right) and two unidentified men, perhaps taken during the Swift Current Boys Band trip to Toronto in 1952
  8. a large audience in Memorial Park

Folder #3: book made for conductor Charles Warren, contains a poem and is signed in the back by all the band members

Folder #4: Swift Current Air Cadet Band attendance record, 1944 - 1946; list of Swift Current Boys Band members, 1952

Envelope #1: address to the Kiwanis Club of Prairie Pioneers, re: the history of community bands in Swift Current, given by Charles Warren in 1984; history of the Air Cadet Band; program for Swift Current Boys Band Golden Jubilee Concert; excerpt from a written history of the Swift Current Boys Band / Junior Band (pages 8 to 13, written for a University class on Recreation in Communities), list of Junior Band activities from 1968 - 1970 and proposed activities for 1972 - 1973, newspaper clippings; photographs:

Photographs in envelope #1:

  1. Swift Current Junior Band in a Frontier Days parade, ca. 1974 - 1975 (taken and developed by Patrick Laird)
  2. Swift Current Junior Band in a Frontier Days parade, ca. 1974 - 1975 (taken and developed by Patrick Laird)

Envelope #2: booklet "Marching Along Together: The Saga of the Swift Current Boys Band", 1954 (3 copies); booklet, "The Swift: A Review of Current Events/The Magazine of No. 39 SFTS Royal Air Force, SC", 1942; photograph

Photographs in envelope #2:

  1. several adults members of a band, brass section, band and individuals are unidentified

Discrete items: photograph #31, Swift Current Boys Band in a parade in Calgary in 1956; framed document, "Mr. Charles W. Warren/A Testimonial/This scroll is presented to Mr. Charles W. Warren upon his retirement as bandmaster of the Swift Current Boys Band"

Swift Current Boys’ Band

Paul Rezansoff fonds

  • SCM-RG-0017
  • Fonds
  • 25 July 2001

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Arts And Heritage Committee, Hoffman James Powley, Swift Current Community Arts Council, Swift Current Overture Concert Association, Swift Current Tourism Committee, and the Horseshoe Tourism Region, were accumulated by the source.

Rosetown General Photograph Collection

  • GPC
  • Collection
  • 1975?- 1998

The Rosetown General Photograph Collection spans approximately ten decades of the history of Rosetown and district, consisting of photographs taken by and collected by the Rosetown Centennial Library Archives.

Swift Current Music Festival Association

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Music Festival Association, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
.1- 1985 – 1986 Music Festival minutes/ accounting (14 pages)
.2- 1990 – 1991 Music Festival information (17 pages)
.3- scrapbook meetings, notes / Music Festival minutes, 1933 – 1986

Swift Current Music Festival Association

Swift Current Music Festival Association

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Music Festival Association, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Box #1.
-volume #1, 1959 – 1979 (black binder), Festival Programs, 1959 - 1979 (1972 missing)
-volume #2, 1980 - 1989 (black binder), Festival Programs, newspaper articles, 1980 - 1989
-volume #3, 1990 - 1999 (black binder): Festival Programs, newspaper articles, 1990 - 1999
-volume #4, untitled (green binder): interview with Kathy Wasiak; misc. correspondence, letter to adjudicators; agenda of awards program, 1985; rules from music teaches; memoranda to adjudicators; various handwritten documents, including Duties of Presidents, workshop notes, etc.; 1985 - 1986, 1986 - 1987 Music Festival Executive; minutes/agendas, SCMFA 1985, 1986, 1987; financial reports, SCMFA, 1985, 1986; minutes, SMFA fall conference, 1985; convention report; final concert MC’s notes; list of music teachers 1986, 1987; lists of people who might help with Festival; Festival Highlights and Presentation of Scholarships and Awards

Box #2.
-envelope #1, Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators Association: containing Directories from 1992 - 2000, correspondence with adjudicators, CMFAA

-envelope #2, Saskatchewan Music Festival Constitution: constitutions and amendments, earliest date is 1954 and latest date is 1987

-envelope #3, Thank-you cards, etc.: thank you cards and other correspondence re; SC Music Festival

-envelope #4 (formerly A.2003.4.1), 1985 / 1986 Music Festival Minutes/Accounting: minutes, SCMFA, 1986, 1985; minutes, Annual meeting of SCMFA, 1985; financial report, SCMFA, 1985; SCMFA Executive, 1985 - 1986

-envelope #5 (formerly A.2003.4.2), 1990 / 1991 / 1992 Music Festival Information: SCMFA financial report, 1990, 1991; program, Music Festival Highlights and Presentations, 1990, 1992; SCMFA Executive, 1990 - 1991; minutes, SCFMA, 1985, 1990

-envelope #6, Festival Focus: newsletters, “Piu Mosso,” September 1999, October 2000, February / May 2001; "Festival Focus," July 1993, June 1994, April 1996, January 1997, August 1998, April / September / December 1999

-folder #1, Annual Conference S Music Festival: agenda/minutes for 1992, 1994 - 1997 AGM; Annual Report, 2000; 2000 Fall Conference; minutes, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991 AGM; Financial Statements, 1991; AGM report, 1989

-folder #2, M.F. Job Descp.: SC and District Music Festival Executive Committee Handbook, form from SC Music Festival 1998 Housing Committee; Duties of Festival Secretaries / Ticket Takers / Chairpersons / Liaison Person / Treasurer; advice for adjudicators; Sponsors, Patrons and Friends Committee; Scholarship and Award Duties

-folder #3, '95 Test Selections: 1995 SMFA Test Selections for disciplines 1-9

-folder #4, National Music Festival: booklets, CIBC National Music Festival Official regulations and Syllabus for 1993-1996, 1998, 2000

-folder #5 (blue duotang), Swift Current Music Festival Adjudicators: biographies of adjudicators, correspondence

-folder #6, Music Festival “Old Minutes”: minutes / agendas, SC Music Festival Association, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1996; information on entering the SC Music Festival; SCMF financial information, 1986, 1988, 1989; minutes, Saskatchewan Music Festival Association, 1987, 1988, 1990; minutes, SC Music Festival Association AGM, 1985, 1987, 1988; SCMFA Executive, 1985 - 1986, 1986 - 1987, 1988 - 1989, 1990 - 1991; SC Music Festival Scholarship Account, 1989; Extra Classes offered at SCMF, 1988 - 1989; letter re: copyright on music; minutes from Music Festival meeting, 1986, 1987

-folder #7, untitled: 1987 Provincial Program 1987; 1984 Provincial Awards Concert; newsletters, "Festival," 1989, 1990, 1991, "Cultural Connection" 1989, 1990, 1991, "Opus", 2001; evaluation of SC Festival by adjudicators, 1989; extra classes offered at SC Music Festival; minutes, SMFA Annual General meeting, 1989; SMFA Constitution; SMFA Adjudicator Index, 1990

-folder #8, Festival Newsletters: "In Praise of Festivals"; newsletters, "Festival Focus", 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, "Festival", 1992

-folder #9 (black duotang), Swift Current Music Festival: history of the SC Music Festival from 1920 to 1990

-discrete items: 5 1/4" floppy disk, "Fest. Note 01 // Fest. Note 02"; video cassette tape, "Swift Current Music Festival Awards concert - March 20, 1988"; books, Provincial Syllabus, 1998 - 2000; Directory & Syllabus Changes, 1995, 1996; SMFA Official Syllabus, 1985, 1988, 1990, 1991; The Federation of Canadian Music Festivals Annual Conference and General Meeting Digest Report, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2000; Quill Plains Music Festival, 1994; Rosetown and District Music Festival, 1994; The Battlefords Music Festival, 1994; Meadow Lake and District Music Festival, 1994; CIBC National Music Festival Official Regulations and Syllabus, 1991; Annual Swift Current Music Festival programs, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996

Box #3 (wood)

-discrete items: Swift Current Music Festival Programs, 1960 - 1970, 1973, 1975 - 1976, 1979 - 1980, 1982 - 1988, 191 - 1996, 2002 (some duplicates); Saskatchewan Music Festival Syllabus, 1962 - 1968, 1970 - 1971 1974 - 1994, 1998 - 2003; Saskatchewan Music Festival Directory, 1992 - 1997, 1999 - 2001; Federation of Canadian Music Festivals Digest Reports, 1987, 1989 - 1994; CIBC National Music Festival Official Regulations and Syllabus, 1991 - 1992; Royal Conservatory of Music School of Music yearbook, 1964 - 1965; students' marks from Music Festival; book, "Music for One Music for All", by Saskatchewan Music Festival Association, 1988; Swift Current Music Festival Association stamp

Box #4

-volume #1 (formerly A.2003.4.3): minutes book, 1933 - 1988
-volume #2: minutes book, 1987 - 1995; misc. addenda; correspondence and mail-outs, 1991 - 1996; information on adjudicators
-discrete items (formerly A.2004.9.2-5): SC Music Festival programs, 1993 - 1994 (duplicates)
-folder #1 (green folder - formerly A.2004.9.6): Saskatchewan Music Festival Association Financial Statements, 1996, 1998 - 2000; Swift Current Music Festival Association Income Statement, 1997 - 1999; misc. documents,correspondence, Festival dates, 1995 - 2000; funeral service program for Jeanne Schlichting; rental applications; Lotteries Community Grant application; trophies and engraving information; minutes and agendas, 1992 - 2000; financial records, 1992 - 2000
-volume #3 (black binder - formerly A.2004.9.1): SCMF programs, newspaper clippings, posters, award ceremony programs, 2000 - 2004; material submitted by Swift Current to the Saskatchewan Music Festival history book by Mossie Hancock (including copies of newspaper clippings from the 1930s, and a document entitled "Early Beginnings of the Swift Current Music Festival"), 1988

Box #5 (plastic)

-volume #1, Scholarship: cheque stub book for Swift Current Music Festival Scholarship Account, March 1994 - March 1996
-volume #2: cheque stub book for Swift Current Music Festival Operating Account, November 1994 - September 1996
-volume #3: Royal Bank deposit book, scholarship account, January 1990 to April 1996
-volume #4: Royal Bank deposit book, operating account, April 1993 to June 1996
-volume #5: Royal Bank deposit slip, scholarship account, February 1994 to June 1996
-volume #6: Royal Bank deposit book, operating account, February 1995 to March 1996
-volume #7: deposit book, February 1997 to March 1998
-volume #8: deposit book, April 1998 to February 2000
-volume #9: Southwest Credit Union deposit book (#1153493), November 2001 to May 2003
-volume #10: Southwest Credit Union deposit book, blank (no entries of cheques or cash)
-volume #11: receipt book, November 1996 to April 1998
-volume #12: receipt book, April 1998 to March 1999
-volume #13: receipt book for donations, February 1997 to November 1998
-volume #14: receipt book for donations, November 1998 - November 1999
-volume #15: accounting book, October 1986 - September 1996
-volume #16: unused receipt book
-volume #17: unused receipt book
-volume #18: unused receipt book
-volume #19: unused receipt book
-volume #20: Royal Bank statement and canceled cheques, March to April, 1995
-volume #21: SCMFA program, 1999
-volume #22: SCMFA program, 2001
-volume #23: SCMFA program, 2002

-folder #1, Southwest Credit Union: monthly statements and canceled cheques, July 1998 - June 2000
-folder #2, Swift Current Music Festival Association Government Records: documents and correspondence from Revenue Canada; Registered Charity Information Return, 1997; GST Rebate Application, 1997; SCMFA financial statement, 1991 - 1992; documents pertaining to SCMFA's charitable status; Registered Charity Information Return And Pubic Information Return, 1987 - 1996

-folder #3, untitled: correspondence re: Saskatchewan Lotteries Community grant, other forms, 1997 - 2000; agenda and minutes for SCMFA meetings, 1999 - 2000; SCMFA executive, 1999 - 2000; documents re: Festival fees; Canadian Music Festival Adjudicators' Association guidelines for the contracting of adjudicators

-folder #4, 2000 Festival Expenses: Credit Union bank book; various receipts from 2000, many from local businesses; adjudicator's expenses; for the 2000 SC Music Festival

-folder #5, "Swift Current" Saskatchewan Music Festival Association Minutes: minutes from meetings, March 1987 to November 1994

-folder #6, Swift Current Music Festival Association Financial Reports: financial statements from July 1987 to May 1991

-folder #7, Swift Current Music Festival Association Unpaid Bills: financial information: 1991 - 1992, 1992 - 1993, 1993 - 1994, 1994 - 1995, minutes and agendas, 1994, 1995, 1996; receipts and other financial documents; Val Jeworsky memorial award; trophy account and report, 1993;

-folder #8: correspondence with SCMFA president Elaine Driedger, 1995; SCMFA executive, 1994 - 1995; SCMFA "Highlights and Presentation", 1995; agenda, minutes, financial information, other notes, 1995

-folder #9, Paid Bills, 1994 - 1995: bills and receipts for adjudicator's fees and expenses, other fees and expenses from the festival, 1994 to 1995

-folder #10, Swift Current Music Festival Association 1987 - 1988 Paid Bills: bills, invoices and receipts for festival expenses, March 1988 to June 1994

-folder #11, Post-dated cheques - replaced: bank statement, December 1994 to January 1995; canceled cheque, other deposit information, 1995

-folder #12, SCMFA Paid Bills 1995 - 1996: SCMFA executive, 1995 - 1996; bills, invoices and receipts for expenses for 1995 - 1996; rental application for Irwin school; hosting committee forms; Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant forms; telephone records

-folder #13, SCMFA 1996 Income: Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant letter, 1996; treasurer's report, March 1995; SMFA "Money Form", 1995, 1996

-folder #14, SCMFA 1997 Festival Plan: letter re: conversion of registration number to a business number for non-profits, 1997; statement of income and expenses, 1996 - 1997; SCMFA executive, 1996 - 1997; income and expense five year comparison, 1993 - 1997; other financial information from 1997; financial statement, 1997; phone numbers of participants and their parents

-folder #15, Bank Statements: Operating: account statements from January 1992 to September 1995, from operating account

-folder #16, Bank Statements: Scholarships: account statements from July 1992 to August 1995, from scholarship account

-folder #17, SCMFA Bank Statements: account statements, December 1995 to November 1996, from scholarship account

-folder #18, SCMFA Income 97 - 98: Revenue Canada GST assessments, 1998; invoices, 1998

-folder #19, Paid Bills - 1997: bills, invoices and receipts from festival, 1997; hosting committee forms

-folder #20, Paid Bills - 1997 - 1998 Festival: bills, invoices and receipts from festival, 1997 - 1998

-folder #21, 1998 - 99 Festival Income: GST information from Revenue Canada, 1998

-folder #22, 1998 - 99 Festival Expenses: bills, invoices and receipts from festival, 1998 - 1999

-folder #23, Southwest CU Statements - 96 - 97: account statements, 1996 - 1998

Swift Current Music Festival Association

Swift Current Music Festival Association

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Music Festival Association, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-Small binder of scholarship account receipts, Mar 1994 – Mar 1996

  • Small binder of operating account receipts, Nov 1994 – Sept 1996
  • Soutwest Credit Union receipt book, Nov 2001 – May 2003
  • Southwest Credit Union receipt book, no entries
  • Swift Current & District 72nd Music Festival booklet
  • Small binder of receipts for various recitals, fees, expenses April 1998 – Mar 1999
  • SC & District 73rd Music Festial booklet
  • SW Credit Union statements, July 1998 – June 2000, cancelled cheques, 1998 – 2000
  • Revenue Canada file, Income Tax returns 1987 – 2000
  • Music Festival file on various grants available, letters, 2000
  • File – Sask. Music Festival adjudicator fees and expenses 2000
  • Royal Bank deposit supplement, Feb 1995 – Mar 1996
  • Royal Bank deposit supplement, Mar – Apr 1995
  • Receipt book for donations, Feb 1997 – Nov 1998
  • Accounting book of SC Music Festival Oct 1986 – Feb 1996
  • Receipt book – donations, Nov 1998 – Nov 1999
  • Record book of cheques and cash, Feb 1997 – Mar 1998
  • Record book of cheques and cash, April 1998 – Feb 2000
  • File – Meetings, April 1987 – Nov 1994
  • File- Financial statements, July 1987 – May 1991
  • Financial Statements, June 1992 – June 1995
  • Executive file for 1995
  • Envelope – bills for adjudicators fees, expenses, dues, 1994 – 1994
  • File – SC festival expenses, Mar 1988 – June 1994
  • Envelope – Royal Bank account statements Dec 1994 – Jan 1995
  • File: Festival Expenses, 1995 – 1996
  • File: Festival grants, treasurer’s report, 1995 – 1996
  • File: Festival executive income and expenses, 1996 – 1997
  • File: Royal Bank statements, Jan 1992 – Sept 1995
  • File: Royal Bank account statements, July 1992 – Aug 1995
  • File: Royal Bank account statements, Sept 1995 – 1996
  • File: Revenue Canada GST assessment, 1998
  • File: Bills paid for festival, 1997
  • File: Bills paid for festival, 1998
  • File: GST info from Revenue Canada, 1998
  • File: Fees, expenses, 1999
  • File: SW Credit Union statements, 1996 – 1998
  • Receipt book for scholarships, festival expenses
  • Royal Bank deposit supplement, Feb 1990 – April 1996
  • Royal Bank deposit slip, Feb 1994 – June 1996
  • Sask Music Festival Assoc. receipt book 4801-4850
  • Sask Music Festival Assoc. receipt book 4751-4800
  • Sask Music Festival Assoc. receipt book 3951 – 4000
  • Sask Music Festival Assoc. receipt book 3901 – 3950

Swift Current Music Festival Association

Swift Current Music Festival Association

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Music Festival Association, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
.1-.6: Music Festival programs, 1983 – 1988
.7-.12- Music Festival programs, 1991 – 1996
.13- Music Festival program, 2002
.14- Music for One, Music for All, 1908 – 1988
.15- SC Music Festival Assoc. stamp

Swift Current Music Festival Association

Swift Current Music Festival Association

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Music Festival Association, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-Binder containing programs, brochures, newspaper clippings of Festival 2000-2004
-Music festival programs 2003-2004
-Green folder containing financial statements, letters, meeting minutes, etc. 1995-2000

Swift Current Music Festival Association

Swift Current Music Festival Association fonds

  • SCM-RG-0023
  • Fonds
  • 10 September 2004

The fonds, related to the Swift Current Music Festival Association, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.

The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described.

Swift Current Music Festival Association

Results 1 to 15 of 17