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Saskatchewan Conference fonds

  • FB 1
  • Fonds
  • 1925–2018

Fonds consists of textual and other materials generated by the Conference, the Conference Executive, Conference Staff and Conference Committee members in the fulfillment of their mandate, as outlined in The Manual of the United Church of Canada, from 1925 to 2018. Some records created prior to Union (1925) are also included in certain series, as noted.

United Church of Canada, Saskatchewan Conference

G.G. Heffelfinger fonds

  • PR 06
  • Fonds
  • ca.1925

The fonds consists of Rev. Heffelfinger’s sermon “Sympathy”, written for March 1st, 1924, with biblical citations for scripture readings and first lines of praise selections (hymns).

Heffelfinger, Galen Gordon

Bruce Wartman fonds

  • PR 16
  • Fonds
  • ca.1940–1977

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Rev. Wartman, before and during his time as an ordained minister, in Saskatchewan. Contents include: correspondence (1954-1958); historical documents by various individuals, including Rev. Wartman, W.B. Baker, and Rev. Frank Hoffman (ca.1940-1982); and annual reports from Regina St. James United Church (1975, 1977, 1978), North Battleford Third Avenue United Church (1960-1961), and Kindersley St. Paul’s, Netherhill and Knox United Churches (1958-1960).

Wartman, Gordon Bruce