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Only top-level descriptions Saskatchewan Health Region Archives (Past SCAA member)
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Etta Birdsall fonds

  • Archief
  • 1917-[1918?]

Fonds consists of photographs depicting Etta Birdsall; the Regina General Hospital and Nurses' Residence Wing; and physicians, nurses and nursing students. Fonds also contains a postcard of the Metropolitan Methodist Church and YWCA buildings of Regina, and a list of instructions for the hours, duties, decorum and attire of waitress work nurses (kitchen staff) employed in the Nurses' Home.

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Barbara Sutherland Humphrey fonds

  • Archief
  • 1916-1917

Fonds consists of nursing school examinations for Bacteriology, Medical Nursing, and Hygiene.

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Eleanor Linnell fonds

  • Archief
  • 1942 and 1944

Fonds consists of correspondence and photographs documenting Eleanor Linnell's experience as a nursing student. Fonds contains correspondence with A. F. Lawrie, Superintendent of Nurses, regarding entrance to the School of Nursing; invitations to a nursing ball and graduation ceremonies; newspaper clippings; and ephemera. Also included are photographs of nursing students and staff, case rooms and operating rooms.

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Regina General Hospital Photograph Collection

  • Archief
  • 1889-1905

Collection consists of photographs documenting the history and development of the Regina General Hospital. Photographs depict physicians, staff, volunteers, and patients of the hospital; the interior and exterior of the hospital buildings, including renovations and construction; equipment; employee events and leisure activities; students, including graduation ceremonies and portraits; patient care services; museum artifacts and displays; and the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Services. Photographs also depict the buildings of the Pasqua Hospital, Plains Health Centre, and Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. Prominent individuals featured in photographs include Executive Directors: Charles E. Barton, Dr. Ernest Appleyard, A. C. Pickles, H. M. J. Westcott, Dr. D. W. Carnduff, Edward C. Emery, and Royce H. Gill; Chairmen of the Board of Governors: Gordon B. Grant (also Minister of Public Health), Donald M. McPherson, Ken P. R. Hodges, C. Hewitt Helmsing, F. M. (Mike) Badham, and Orville L. Off; and members of the Board of Governors. Also depicted are H.G.R. (Harry) Walker and H. H. P. (Henry) Baker, Mayors of Regina; Walter C. Smishek and Herman H. Rolfes, Ministers of Health; and Isobel Colvin, Administrator (Patient Care) and Director of the School of Nursing, and Eleanor Linnell, Director, Nursing Education. Celebrities depicted include Ernie Coombs (Mr. Dressup), child entertainer; and Nancy Greene (Raine), world class skier.

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Women's Auxiliary of the Regina General Hospital fonds

  • Archief
  • 1929-1940

Fonds consists of Auxiliary Minute Books for the years 1929 to 1940. Entries record the names of the Executive, including addresses and phone numbers; Auxiliary members present at meetings; and activities (fund raising, donations, events). Fonds also includes a (photocopy) of a cook book published by the Women's Auxiliary.

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Pasqua Hospital fonds

  • Archief
  • 1954-1993, predominant 1968-1987

Fonds consists of correspondence, financial statements, patient accounts, budgets, statistics, ledgers, accounting manual, and reports that reflect the financial activities of the Pasqua Hospital. Fonds also includes minutes of the Medical Staff and Department Heads; affiliation agreements between the University of Saskatchewan and the Regina Teaching Hospitals, South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre and Wascana Institute of Applied Arts and Technology (WIAST), and Pasqua Hospital and Queen's University; records of the Health Sciences Library; and construction photographs and other records relating to the regeneration building program.

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Regina General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association fonds

  • Archief
  • [1917?]-1995

Fonds consists of published and unpublished class directories, addenda working notes, and newspaper clippings about graduates; notice of reunion, list of class reunion years, and Alumnae Class Representatives; reunion photo albums and scrapbooks; nursing pins, ephemera and historical notes; and an issue of the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association News Bulletin.

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Regina General Hospital fonds

  • Archief
  • 1910-1998, predominant 1947-1996

Scope and Content: Fonds consists of correspondence; minutes of the Board of Governors, committees and the Employee Advisory Council; constitutions and bylaws; studies, reports and position papers; contracts and agreements; policies, procedures, goals and objectives; financial records, statistics; records of construction and renovations; personnel and labour relations records; records of hospital accreditation; legal records; surveys and questionnaires; reference materials including historical information, pamphlets, posters, display panels, scrapbooks newspaper clippings, and ephemera; Occupational Health and Safety slides, audio-tapes and reels; conference files; subject files; annual reports; manuals; certificates; artefacts, and plaques; newsletters; news releases; and telephone directories. Fonds also documents the relationship between the Regina General Hospital and the following external agencies, associations and committees: Department of Health and Welfare (Canada); Department of Veteran's Affairs; Department of Health (Saskatchewan); Department of Public Health (Saskatchewan); Department of Labour (Saskatchewan); Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons; College of Physicians and Surgeons (Saskatchewan); College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan; Association of Canadian Teaching Hospitals; Canadian Medical Association; Saskatchewan Medical Association; American Hospital Association; Canadian Hospital Association; Saskatchewan Healthcare Association; Canadian College of Health Services Executives; Saskatchewan Association of Health Service Executives; Canadian Council on Health Facilities Accreditation; Canadian Council on Hospital Accreditation; Regina Hospitals Executive Planning Committee; Regina Area Hospitals Planning Council; Regina Hospitals Administrative Committee; Joint Hospital Committee; Hospitals of Regina Campaign; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Saskatchewan Union of Nurses; Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association; City of Regina; South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre; Plains Health Centre; Royal University Hospital (Saskatoon); Saskatoon City Hospital; Human Rights Commission; and Central Laundry Board.

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Regina Health District fonds

  • Archief
  • 1956-2002, predominant 1981-2002

The fonds reflect the activities of the Regina Health District, the Regina District Health Board, and the institutions under the Board's direction: Regina General Hospital, Pasqua Hospital, Plains Health Centre, and Wascana Rehabilitation Centre. Fonds also reflects the activities of the South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre. Fonds consists of correspondence; minutes of the Board of Governors, individual hospitals, departments, committees and the South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre; studies and reports, including consolidation of acute care services, health status and needs assessments, effective hospital care for Regina, Toward 2000 project and functional programs; contracts and agreements; policies, procedures, regulations and guidelines; Medical Staff bylaws; hospital accreditation records; reference materials including articles and newspaper clippings; departmental, institutional and district statistics; financial records; records of construction and renovation (contracts, proposals, architectural drawings, correspondence, reports and photographs), including the Regina Hospitals Regeneration Program and renovation of the Allan Blair Memorial Clinic; staff records, including labour relations records, biographies and photographs of physicians, labour contracts, conference files; disaster plans; subject files; manuals and directories; hospital accreditation records; surveys and questionnaires; annual reports; news releases; and telephone directories.

Fonds also documents the relationship between the Regina Health District and the following external agencies and associations: Canadian College of Health Service Executives; Saskatchewan Association of Health Services Executives; Health Services Utilization Resources Council (Saskatchewan); Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO); Saskatchewan Health; Saskatoon Health District; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan; College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan; Professional Association of Internes and Residents of Saskatchewan; Human Rights Commission; Labour Relations Board; Saskatchewan Labour Relations Symposium; Human Resource Management Association; Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Locals 176 (Regina General Hospital), 1612 (Pasqua Hospital) and 1838 (Plains Health Centre); Saskatchewan Council of Human Resource Associations; Saskatchewan Government and General Employees Union; Saskatchewan Public Service Commission; Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN); Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association (SRNA); Victorian Order of Nurses; Allan Blair Memorial Clinic; Saskatchewan Cancer Foundation; University of Regina; Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology; Hospitals of Regina Foundation; City of Regina; and the United Way.

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South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre fonds

  • Archief
  • 1962-1994, predominant 1967-1993

The fonds reflects the activities of the South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre, its Board of Governors, and the institutions under the Board's direction. Fonds consists of correspondence; minutes of the SSHC Board of Governors, committees and professional associations; studies and reports, including bed needs studies and long range strategic planning; contracts and agreements for laundry service and office space, and between the University of Saskatchewan and Regina Teaching Hospitals; policies and procedures; hospital accreditation records; reference materials including articles and brochures; statistics; financial records; records of construction and renovations; human resources records; organisational charts; photographs); conference files; subject files; annual reports; the SSHC Act; manuals; presentations; and legal records

Fonds also documents the relationship between the SSHC and the following external agencies, associations, and committees: Statistics Canada; Government of Canada Department of National Health and Welfare; Saskatchewan Department of Public Health; Saskatchewan Department of Government Services; Saskatchewan Department of Industry and Commerce; Saskatchewan Department of Occupational Health; Saskatchewan Cancer Foundation; Allan Blair Memorial Clinic; Wascana Centre Authority; College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan; [Royal] University Hospital, Saskatoon; Canadian College of Health Service Executives; Regina Hospital Executives Planning Committee; Canadian Hospital Association; Saskatchewan Healthcare Associations; Saskatchewan Union of Nurses; and Regina Hospitals Liaison Committee on Medical Education Programs.

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Nora Eddy Kitchen fonds

  • Archief
  • 1928-1979

Fonds consists of a scrapbook containing newspaper clippings, invitations, cards, correspondence, photographs, news bulletins, and ephemera regarding Nora Kitchen, graduates of the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing, graduates of other hospitals, and physicians of Regina. Topics include Kitchen's acceptance to nursing school; nursing student activities and graduation exercises; engagements, marriages, births, and deaths; nursing placements in Africa, commissions during World War II, professional appointments, and retirements; the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing and the Superintendent of Nurses; awards of merit; and Regina General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association.

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Plains Health Centre fonds

  • Archief
  • 1951-1996, predominant 1969-1994

The fonds consists of: Correspondence; minutes of departments and committees; studies and reports, including bed allocation, "Beds Needs Study and Functional Program for Emergency and Critical Care Services" (Atkinson report), space evaluation, hospital waiting list, nuclear medicine services in Regina and teaching accreditation survey; agreements, including the Hospital of Regina Foundation sharing agreement, affiliation agreement between the University of Saskatchewan and Regina Teaching Hospitals, and medical office agreements; institutional by-laws, policies and procedures, rules and regulations; reference materials, including articles, bulletins, pamphlets and reports; surveys and questionnaires; statistics; financial records, personnel and labour relations records, photographs of Plains Health Centre people, buildings and events; conference files; patient education material for diabetes; disaster plans; subject files; hospital accreditation records; records of construction and renovation; manuals; records of donations, bequests and fundraising; and records of quality assurance.

Fonds documents the relationship between the Plains Health Centre and the following external departments, agencies and associations: Canadian Cancer Society; Allan Blair Memorial Clinic; Provincial Laboratory Services; Saskatchewan Healthcare Associations; College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan; Canadian Medical Association; Saskatchewan Medical Association; College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan; Canadian Hospital Association; Saskatchewan Association of Health Service Executives; Saskatchewan Council of Teaching Hospitals; Canadian Union of Public Employees; Professional Association of Internes and Residents of Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Union of Nurses; Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association; Hospitals of Regina Foundation; Kinsmen Foundation Inc.; Saskatchewan Heart Foundation; Saskatchewan Lung Association; United Way Campaign; and XZ Service Club of Regina [Zonta International Club]. Fonds also documents the South Saskatchewan Hospital Centre Board and the Regina District Health Board.

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Lynne McRorie Robertson fonds

  • Archief
  • 1951-1984, predominant 1951-1957

Fonds consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, certificates, invitations, and souvenirs. The records document Lynn McRorie Robertson's experiences as a nursing student, including acceptance to the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing, regulations of the school, extracurricular and graduation events, training in first aid and civil defence, and physicians. Fonds also includes Robertson's staff nametag and RGH bar pin, and a newspaper clipping of John Herbert Robertson.

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Regina General Hospital School of Nursing fonds

  • Archief
  • 1916-1987, predominant 1930-1972

Fonds consists of records documenting the history and administration of the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing, and the experiences of nursing students. Fonds includes correspondence; handbooks and brochures; aims and objectives, hospital procedures, and professional code of ethics; student files; educational material; graduation exercises and invitations; and memorabilia from the closing of the School of Nursing. Fonds also includes historical essays; biographies of Elizabeth Chalmer Van Valkenburg, Lily Bristow and Ruby Simpson; yearbooks; newspaper clippings, including obituaries of alumna and staff. In addition, fonds contains photographs depicting the hospital and Nurses' Residence, graduation exercises, nursing students, patients, hospital staff, family and friends; and teaching slides. Lastly, fonds includes records of the Teaching Council of the Regina General Hospital School of Nursing, including minutes, correspondence, constitution and bylaws, reports, teaching rosters, policies and regulations; and records of the Glee Club including members lists, conductor's notes, music library inventory, concert programs, sheet music, song books, and musical scripts.

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