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City of Saskatoon Archives
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Series consists of newspaper clippings from the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix which were included in the agenda packets of the regular meetings of the MVA.

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Labatt's Brewery fonds

  • Fundo
  • 1908-1985, predominant 1908-1954

This fonds consists of architectural drawings (1912-1954, 1973, 1986) showing details of the building construction and various mechanical devices associated with it, and a ledger book dating from 1908-1949

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Saskatoon StarPhoenix fonds

  • SSP
  • Fundo
  • 1945-1965; 1970-1999

Fonds consists of ca. 400,000 photographs taken by StarPhoenix photographers and 3.5 m of newspaper clippings (most are photocopies) of some of the corresponding published images.

The StarPhoenix destroyed negatives and clippings dating from 1965 to 1969.

Images document local news, events, and personalities predominantly in Saskatoon, but also from other parts of central and northern Saskatchewan. Subjects include sports, recreation, arts, entertainment, education, research, social and political events, business, native affairs, agriculture, accidents and scenic views and significant people.

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Hard working Saskatonians

File contains photographs of numerous Saskatoon citizens hard at work, shot for a Star Phoenix Labour Day special feature. Included are Ed Bachamer, window washer; Paolo Fenu, plasterer; Gary Leson and Hank Hanson, ice deliverers; Peter Sorba and Sandor Than, meat packers; Leo Renner, commissionaire; Verna Hallahna, waitress; James Erker, carpenter; and Lorne Grand, service station manager. Photographs also taken by Rick Olmstead. Items 1 to 18 are SP-A's (35mm) and items 19 to 23 are SP-B's.

Western Speed skating Championships

Photographs include action and posed shots from the Western Speed skating Championships. The published photograph shows speed skating family, Ken Melnyk, Kevin Melnyk, Kathy and Karen Melnyk. Items 1 to 7 are SP-Bs (2x2" format) and items 8 to 13 are SP-As (35mm).

Physical Fitness Testing conducted by Dr. D.A. Bailey.

Photographs show physical fitness testing conducted by Dr. D.A. Bailey at the University of Saskatchewan. The images show Byron Bailey being put through testing on machines, using oxygen masks and electrical apparatus. Some images show Mike Bracegirdle supervising. Items 1 to 21 are SP-A's (35 mm) and item 22 is an SP-B. Images 1, 3, 11 and 21 were published.

Pre-School Swimming Lessons at University of Saskatchewan

Photographs show pre-school swimming lessons at the University of Saskatchewan, College of Education Building. The published images show 10 month old Vaughn Brossart kicking away manfully. Image 6 was published. Items 1 to 6 are 35mm format (SP-As) and 7 to 17 are SP-Bs.

Saskatoon Baldwinettes, Saskatchewan senior women's softball champions

File contains photographs of Saskatoon Baldwinettes, Saskatchewan Senior women's softball champions. Members of the team include Colleen Rauckman, Ardice Walters, Bonnie Kines, Marj Mitchell, Joy Barrie, Merle Kopach, Donna Coburn, Rae Bexfield, Pat Chizek, Charlene Johnston, Erna Weibe, Linda Holash, Joan Drummond, Irene Wallace, Sherril Roberts, coach Gail Hopkins, and assistant coach Marlene Ackerman. Items sub-numbered 1 to 2 are SP-A's (35 mm format) and 3 to 7 are SP-B's (2x2" format). Items numbered 1 and 3 to 7 were published.

Provincial Bowling Team

Photographs show headshots of the men's and women's provincial bowling team. The team consists of Barb Phelps, Shirley Quayle, Bunny Hinch, June McColm, Paul Meakin, Gaston Gourdeau and Sue Turtle. Items 1 to 6 are SP-A's (35mm format) and items 7 to 13 are SP-B's.

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