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Uranium City Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 709
  • Fonds
  • 1952–1983

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Uranium City Pastoral Charge and its constituent churches (Uranium City, Gunnar and Eldorado) – the boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: Official Boards and congregational meetings; correspondence; newsletters and reports; historic membership and communion rolls; a guest book and church history file; and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials held at Uranium City, Gunnar, Eldorado, Bushell and related locations.

Uranium City Pastoral Charge

Walter C. Murray fonds

  • PR 03
  • Fonds
  • 1905–1928

Fonds consists of papers primarily relating to Dr. Murray's work with the Presbyterian Church and the United Church of Canada. Murray, who was a prominent Presbyterian, supported the church union movement (which led to the founding of the United Church, in 1925) and these records cover his time on the Joint Committee on Union, from 1905, and later as a member of the Dominion Church Property Commission, ca.1924-1928, which assigned assets of the three uniting churches (Presbyterian, Methodist, Congregationalist).

Contents include: reports, Records of Proceedings (minutes) and other papers relating to the Joint Committee on Union and its sub-committees; correspondence, notes and exhibits relating to the Dominion Church Property Commission; and additional correspondence relating to Church Union.

Murray, Walter Charles

Wascana Presbytery fonds

  • FD 37
  • Fonds
  • 2000–2018

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by the Presbytery, its secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada.

Contents include: minutes and correspondence files.

United Church of Canada Wascana Presbytery

Weyburn District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 26
  • Fonds
  • 1909–1925

The fonds consists of Ministerial Session minutes (1909-1925) from Weyburn District.

Methodist Church (Canada) Weyburn District

Weyburn Presbytery fonds

  • FD 20
  • Fonds
  • 1925–1959

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by the Presbytery, their secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada.

Contents include: minutes (1925-1959); correspondence; treasurer’s records; files relating to education and students; record of candidates for ministry; and pastoral relations documents.

United Church of Canada Weyburn Presbytery

Weyburn Presbytery (Presbyterian) fonds

  • FA 43
  • Fonds
  • 1910–1925

The fonds consists of minutes (1910-1925) from the Weyburn Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church.

Presbyterian Church in Canada Weyburn Presbytery

Wilkie District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 27
  • Fonds
  • 1923–1925

The fonds consists of Ministerial Session minutes (1923-1925) from Wilkie District.

Methodist Church (Canada) Wilkie District

Wilkie Presbytery fonds

  • FD 21
  • Fonds
  • 1925–1961

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by the Presbytery, its secretaries, committees and related bodies, in fulfillment of their responsibilities, as outlined in the Manual of the United Church of Canada.

Contents include: minutes (1925-1961); statistics (1960); and property records (1955-1967).

United Church of Canada Wilkie Presbytery

Wolseley-Sintaluta Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 768
  • Fonds
  • 1886–1993

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Wolseley, Sintaluta and Wolseley-Sintaluta Pastoral Charges and constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, and local youth and women’s groups.

Contents include: minutes of boards, stewards, trustees’ meetings; Sunday school, choir and mission band files; records of local Young Peoples’ Union (Y.P.U.), Ladies Aid Society, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Woman’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; correspondence; anniversary bulletin and history files; annual reports; communion and historic rolls; and record books and church registers of baptism, marriages and burials in the area. St. James United Church (Wolseley), Ellisboro, Summerberry, Poplar Grove, Weldon, Westfield Church (Wolseley), Bethany Church (Wolseley), Hurricane Hills Reserve, Carry the Kettle Reserve, Assiniboine, Adair, Red Fox, Rose Valley, Moffatt, Alexander, and Sintaluta are among the congregations and communities identified in the fonds.

Wolseley Pastoral Charge

Woman's Association Saskatchewan Branch fonds

  • FW 13
  • Fonds
  • 1953–1961

The fonds consists of records created by the Saskatchewan Branch of the W.A. Contents include: meeting minutes (1953-1961); and an oversize scrapbook (1954-1959).

United Church Woman’s Association, Saskatchewan Conference

Woman's Missionary Society Saskatchewan Branch fonds

  • FW 12
  • Fonds
  • ca.1926–1962

The fonds consists of records created by the Saskatchewan Branch of the W.M.S., its members, treasurers, circles and committee(s).

Contents include: meeting minutes (1926-1962); bylaws and resolutions; annual reports; membership records; financial records; School for Leaders minutes and associated documents; Baby Band conference and presbyterial reports; select publications; scrapbooks; and W.M.S. Conference and presbyterial histories (to 1961). Additional historical materials included the fonds were collected by Mrs. Mary McKechnie, first president of the Qu’Appelle Presbyterian W.M.S. and later of the Saskatchewan Conference W.M.S. There is also a daily register of pupils from Round Lake Indian School (1942-1946).

United Church Woman's Missionary Society, Saskatchewan Branch

Woman's Missionary Society Saskatchewan Branch (Methodist) fonds

  • FW 03
  • Fonds
  • 1909–1926

The fonds consists of records created by the Saskatchewan Branch of the W.M.S., its circles and treasurers, as well as the W.M.S. Battleford and Moosomin Districts. Contents include: branch meeting minutes (1906-1926); treasurer’s accounts (1906-1926); circles and bands cash and treasurer’s books (1917-1926); financial records of funds from various districts (1916-1926). There are also minutes from meetings of W.M.S. Battleford District (1920-1926) and W.M.S. Moosomin District (1919-1926).

Methodist Woman’s Missionary Society, Saskatchewan Branch

Woman's Missionary Society Saskatchewan Synod (Presbyterian) fonds

  • FW 06
  • Fonds
  • 1915–1926

The fonds consists of records created by the Saskatchewan Synod branch of the Presbyterian W.M.S., its treasurers and members, as well as records from various Presbyterial W.M.S. groups.

Contents include: branch meeting minutes (1924-1926); treasurer’s accounts (1914-1926); membership records of Junior and Life members; annual meeting programs (1915-1925); and a collection of materials assembled by Mary S. Scott McKechnie, the first president of the [Saskatchewan] Provincial W.M.S. and of Qu’Appelle Presbytery W.M.S. The materials collected by McKechnie include: Presidential Addresses and Annual Reports of the Saskatchewan Presbyterian W.M.S. (1915-1924); history of Presbyterian W.M.S., for Diamond Jubilee (ca.1924); W.M.S. annual meeting programs (1916-1925); Qu’Appelle Presbyterial W.M.S. annual reports (1907-1926); and copies of newsletters “Echo” (Qu’Appelle) and “Progress” (from the Regina Industrial School), along with photographs of pupils at File Hills school (1925), Round Lake School (no date), and Cote Day School (no date).

The collection also includes meeting minutes from W.M.S. Presbyterial groups from Abernethy, Alameda, Prince Albert, Qu’Appelle, and Saskatoon.

Presbyterian Woman’s Missionary Society, Synod of Saskatchewan

Yorkton District (Methodist) fonds

  • FA 28
  • Fonds
  • 1904–1925

The fonds consists of financial district minutes and statements (1904-1925), Ministerial Session minutes (1906-1925), and correspondence (1925), from Yorkton District of the Methodist Church.

Methodist Church (Canada) Yorkton District

Yorkton Pastoral Charges fonds

  • FL 773
  • Fonds
  • 1889–2012

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Yorkton St. Andrew’s Pastoral Charge and Yorkton Rural Pastoral Charge, as well as their predecessors, associated and constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and youth groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, councils, sessions, stewards, congregational, trustee meetings; meetings of local Ladies Aid Societies, Women’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; records from Sunday School; correspondence and property files; financial records and annual reports; church histories and member directories; historic rolls and communion rolls; and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials held at Yorkton, Orkney, Beaverdale, Springside, Orcadia, Hubbard, Theodore, Rokeby, Calder, Willowbrook, Saltcoats, Tonkin, and related locations.

Yorkton St. Andrew's Pastoral Charge

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