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Only top-level descriptions Lung Saskatchewan Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital
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Jim Daschuk Collection

  • JDC
  • Collection
  • [1922-2014]

Collection contains textual records complied by Dr. James "Jim" Daschuk. Common themes include Dr. R.G. Ferguson, Dr. A.B. Simes, the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League, and the National Research Council.

Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital fonds

  • FQIH
  • Fonds
  • 1935-1996

Fonds contains artifacts accumulated by SATL pertaining to the Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital operated by the Department of Indian Affairs. The Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital was located across from the Fort San Sanatorium on Echo Lake.

Department of Indian Affairs