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Apenas descrições de nível superior Young People's Union Kamsack Presbyterial
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Young People's Union Saskatchewan Conference fonds

  • FY 1
  • Fundo
  • 1937–1963

The fonds consists of records created and/or collected by the Saskatchewan Branch of the Young People's Union (Y.P.U.), its members, treasurers, and committee(s).

Contents include: meeting minutes from the Y.P.U. executive and committees; correspondence from the Y.P.U. President; correspondence with and material relating to the national-level Y.P.U.; financial records; convention reports; lists of executive members; files relating to various Y.P.U. activities, including youth caravans; various newsletters and related items collected from other Y.P.U. groups, outside of Saskatchewan; and a collection of Youth Christian Education Leaders Resource materials, including Explorers and Hi-C groups. There are also minutes and reports from Presbyterial-level Y.P.U. units, in Kamsack, Qu'Appelle, Regina and Saskatoon.

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