Arthur Leach Newspaper Clippings
- IHM.2020.0416
- Item
- 1913 - 1941
Parte de Town Collection
34 newspaper clippings all about Arthur Leach a former mayor and postmaster of Indian Head.
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Arthur Leach Newspaper Clippings
Parte de Town Collection
34 newspaper clippings all about Arthur Leach a former mayor and postmaster of Indian Head.
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Arthur Leach across from elementary school - 612 Bell St.
Parte de Town Collection
Photograph of 612 Bell Street with a horse and carriage with (likely) Arthur and Edith Leach on board, a dog and a horse and rider (likely their son Wilfred). Two people are sitting on the verandah.
Private Receiving Station Licence for Eva Totten
Parte de People Collection
Certificate of licence for operating a "private receiving station" The licence was made out to "Miss Eva Totten, Grand Avenue, Indian Head, Sask." by "Arthur Leach SR"
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Posed photo of 38 Indian Head men at a conference in Moose Jaw
Parte de Organizations Collection
A posed group of 38 men with an Indian Head banner behind them. Almost all the men wear white shirts and pants, ties and white hats with black hat bands.
Official Programme - Home Guard Patriotic Day (Aug 12, 1915)
Parte de Lil Leach Fonds
Program for Home Guard celebration/fund-raiser on Aug.12, 1915. It involved a parade, starting at the Armory, a march past the Lt-Gov, games a musical ride by the Royal Northwest Mounted Police (RNWMP) and entertainment and dance in the Auditorium.
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Invitation to the dedication of the Indian Head war memorial and park on May 27 1921
Parte de Lil Leach Fonds
Invitation to Arthur and Edith Leach to sit on the platform at the dedication of the Indian Head war memorial and park as a member of the executive on May 27, 1924
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Postmasters association conference photo 1950
Parte de Lil Leach Fonds
The item is a large black and white photograph of the Canadian Postmasters Association - Saskatchewan Branch conference held in Saskatoon in 1950
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Parte de Town Collection
Arthur Leach in front of the post office with his wife, Edith, and 609 & 613 Grand Avenue.
Parte de People Collection
Arthur Leach, Indian Head's 17th Mayor. He held office in 1919
Addresses of Presidents and Secretaries of Postmasters Associations
Parte de Organizations Collection
Letter, on the back of which is the listed name and address of the presidents and secretaries of each branch of the Canadian Postmasters Association in 1907.
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Wedding day photo of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leach
Parte de Lil Leach Fonds
Arthur Leach and Edith Dixon on their wedding day.
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Parte de Businesses Collection
Arthur Leach and two assistants inside the post office.
Saskatchewan Postmasters Association Conference Program 1925
Parte de Organizations Collection
A 3-page folded brochure with the program for the Saskatchewan Postmasters Association Conference held in Moose Jaw June 17-18,1925. One of the officers in attendance was Arthur Leach of Indian Head.
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Canadian Postmasters Association convention
Parte de Organizations Collection
The Saskatchewan Branch of the Canadian Postmasters Association at their 13th annual convention in Regina.
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Indian Head Horticultural Society - Certificate of formation
Parte de Organizations Collection
The certificate was signed by Minister of Agriculture Alvin Hamilton and Indian Head applicants are named, including Norman M. Ross, John Walker, Mrs. W.H. Gibson and others