Affichage de 69 résultats

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D.S. Dix fonds

  • PR 11
  • Fonds
  • 1913–1954

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Rev. David Strathy Dix, during his time as an ordained minister. Contents include a notebook recording baptisms performed (1913-1954).

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Benjamin Ralph fonds

  • PR 14
  • Fonds
  • 1903–1930

The fonds consists of records created and/or collected by Dr. Ralph, during his time in Saskatchewan. Contents include: records of baptisms, burials, and marriages (1903-1930) from Blaine Lake, Balmoural, and Craigmore.

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Robert M. Thompson fonds

  • PR 29
  • Fonds
  • 1948–1991

The fonds consists of 3 church registers of marriages, baptisms, and burials, created by Rev. Thompson, during his time as a minister in Ontario, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Contents include records of marriages (1948-1991), baptisms (1948-1955), and burials (1948-1968), from various locations, including: Oshawa and Thunder Bay, Ontario; Neepawa, Manitoba; Kennedy, Langbank, Windhurst, Wetwood, Landsdowne, Kisby, Wawota, Melfort, Kinistino, Cranmer, Lumsden, Balgonie, Saskatoon, Melville, and Regina, Saskatchewan. There is also a scrapbook (1949-1961) also relating to Rev. Thompson.

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Broadview-Whitewood Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 085
  • Fonds
  • 1884–1980

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Broadview Pastoral Charge, Whitewood Pastoral Charge, Broadview-Whitewood Pastoral Charge their constituent churches and communities – boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, session, congregational meetings; minutes and related records of local Ladies Aid Society, Women’s Association (W.A.), United Church Women (U.C.W.) and Canadian Girls in Training (C.G.I.T.) groups; church membership rolls; reports; correspondence; financial records; and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials. Broadview, Whitewood, Kipling, Round Lake, Moosomin, and Wapella are among the congregations and communities identified in this collection.

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Regina Knox-Metropolitan Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 546
  • Fonds
  • 1885–1983

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Knox-Metropolitan Pastoral Charge, Knox Pastoral Charge, Metropolitan Pastoral Charge and constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of official church board; meetings of a local United Church Women (U.C.W.) group; annual reports; membership and communion rolls; and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials held at Knox, Metropolitan and the unified Knox-Metropolitan churches. There is also a file with reports and correspondence relating to the Regina Indian Industrial School.

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Regina St. Andrew's Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 553
  • Fonds
  • 1905–2001

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Regina St. Andrew’s Pastoral Charge and constituent churches – boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of church council, official board, trustees, sessions, stewards and various committee meetings; records from meetings of local Ladies Aid Society, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Women’s Federation, United Church Women (U.C.W.) and Young Peoples’ Union (Y.P.U.) groups; historic and communion rolls; financial ledgers; and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials. There are also 14 photographs, showing church choir members and the following ministers: Rev. William A. Guy, Rev. Archibald Young, Rev. Harry Joyce, Rev. Frank H. Morgan, Rev. W. J. Moore, Rev. Wm. G. Armitage, Rev. Cecil W. Tiller, Rev. Alan L. Armstrong, Rev. D. Elton Adams, Rev. Ronald H. Sutton.

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Saskatoon Grace-Westminster Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 599
  • Fonds
  • 1887–1988

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Saskatoon Grace Pastoral Charge, Westminster Pastoral Charge, Grace-Westminster Pastoral Charge and constituent churches – boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of Official Board, congregation, sessions and stewards’ meetings; records of choir, Sunday School, and local Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Woman’s Association (W.A.), United Church Women (U.C.W.), A.O.T.S., and Young Peoples’ Union (Y.P.U.) groups; membership and historic rolls; reports and financial records; and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials that took place at Grace, Westminster, Grace-Westminster, in Saskatoon, as well as Nutana, Dundurn, Floral, Whitecap (Moose Woods) and related locations.

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Round Lake Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 583
  • Fonds
  • 1884–2007

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Round Lake Pastoral Charge – its boards, committees and related bodies.

Contents include: a historic roll; a church history file, with correspondence and photos; a record book, containing a communion roll, records of baptism, marriages and deaths at Round Lake, recollections by Dr. Hugh McKay and notes on Rev. R.J. Ross; and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials that took place at Round Lake, Cowessess, Kahkewistahaw, Ochapowace, Sakimay Reserves, Broadview, Jacob Bear United Church, Grenfell, Camp McKay, Rocanville, Wapella, and various related locations.

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Uranium City Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 709
  • Fonds
  • 1952–1983

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Uranium City Pastoral Charge and its constituent churches (Uranium City, Gunnar and Eldorado) – the boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: Official Boards and congregational meetings; correspondence; newsletters and reports; historic membership and communion rolls; a guest book and church history file; and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials held at Uranium City, Gunnar, Eldorado, Bushell and related locations.

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Avonlea, Blue Hill, Briercrest Pastoral Charges fonds

  • FL 031
  • Fonds
  • 1903–2002

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Avonlea Pastoral Charge, Briercrest Pastoral Charge, Avonlea – Blue Hill and various constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, sessions, stewards, congregational, trustee and committee meetings; choir, Mission Band and Sunday School records; minutes and financial records from some of the local Ladies Aid Society, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Woman’s Association (W.A.), Women’s Federation (W.F.), and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; historic rolls and membership records; a Home Mission Record Book from Baildon, ca.1930; and registers documenting baptisms, marriages and burials at Avonlea, Briercrest, Tilney, Blue Hill, Baildon, and related locations. There are also records relating to the Briercrest unit of Canadian Girls in Training (C.G.I.T.).

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Ruddell Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 585
  • Fonds
  • 1909–1966

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Ruddell Pastoral Charge and its predecessors, as well as their constituent congregations – church boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of Session and congregational meetings; records of local Ladies Aid Societies, Woman’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (UC.W.) groups; various financial records; communion and historic rolls; and a register of baptisms, marriages, and burials held at Ruddell and related locations.

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Imperial, Simpson, Liberty Pastoral Charges fonds

  • FL 308
  • Fonds
  • 1901–2013

Fonds consists of textual materials generated by the related Imperial, Liberty, Simpson, and Imperial-Simpson Pastoral Charges, as well as constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, sessions, stewards, trustees, and congregational meetings; minutes and other records from local Ladies Aid, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; minutes from Young Peoples’ Union and Hi-C groups; historic rolls, circuit registers and related membership records; some financial records; Home Mission Record Books from Stalwart, Cullyton, and Bermuda; and registers documenting baptisms, marriages and burials in Simpson, Amazon, Penzance, Imperial, Liberty, Dilke, Holdfast, Keddleston, Stalwart, Cullyton, Bermuda and nearby area(s).

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Shellbrook-Leask Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 622
  • Fonds
  • 1911–2021

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Shellbrook Pastoral Charge, Leask Pastoral Charge, their predecessors and constituent congregations – church boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of official boards, Church Councils and Trustees, Stewards, Session, congregational, Sunday School and various committee meetings; records of local Ladies Aid Societies, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Woman’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (UC.W.) groups; reports and newsletters; communion and historic rolls; financial records and property files; bulletins and photographs; Home Mission Record Books and registers of baptisms, marriages, and burials held at Knox United Church (Shellbrook), Trinity Untied Church (Leask), Blaine Lake, Balmoral, Craigmore, Mount Olive, and related locations.

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Creelman, Griffin, Fillmore, Tyvan, Prairie Points Pastoral Charges fonds

  • FL 147
  • Fonds
  • 1903–2021

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by several associated churches and their varying governing pastoral charges: Creelman, Griffin, Creelman-Griffin, Fillmore, Tyvan, Tyvan-Osage, Prairie Points, as well as predecessors and constituent churches – their boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and youth groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, councils, sessions, stewards, congregational, trustee meetings; meetings of local Ladies Aid Societies, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Women’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; records from Sunday Schools, study groups, Young Peoples’ Society, and C.G.I.T.; correspondence and property files; financial records and annual reports; church histories and anniversary materials; historic rolls and communion rolls; Home Mission Record Books and registers of baptisms, marriages and burials held at Creelman, Sequin, Prairie Lea, Huntoon, Innis, White Rock, Mona, Griffin, Crieff, Froude, Huronville, Fillmore, Osage, Corning, Tyvan, Latham, Storthoaks, Talmage and related locations.

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Kyle-Lacadena Pastoral Charge fonds

  • FL 338
  • Fonds
  • 1911–ca.2011

The fonds consists of textual materials generated by Lacadena Pastoral Charge, Tuberose Pastoral Charge, later Kyle Pastoral Charge, Kyle-Lacadena Pastoral Charge, as well as their predecessors and constituent churches – boards, committees and related bodies, local women’s units and other groups.

Contents include: minutes of church boards, sessions, stewards, congregational and committee meetings; some C.G.I.T. and Sunday School records; minutes and financial records from some of the local Ladies Aid Society, Women’s Missionary Society (W.M.S.), Woman’s Association (W.A.) and United Church Women (U.C.W.) groups; communion and historic rolls; newsletters and annual reports; Home Mission Record Books from Kyle and Sanctuary / East Gap; and registers documenting baptisms, marriages and burials at Lacadena, Tyner, White Bear, Kyle, Sanctuary, Tuberose, and related locations.

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