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Moose Jaw Horticultural Society fonds
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Organization Business and Archives

This series contains material pertaining to the business and activities of the Moose Jaw Horticultural Society. The scrapbooks contain textual records, colour photographs, and ribbons of prizes in horticultural competitions.

Moose Jaw Horticultural Society

Moose Jaw Horticultural Society fonds

  • MJ-107
  • Fonds
  • 1985-1997

This fonds consists of three series. There are records of the Moose Jaw Horticultural Society of the late 1980's and 1990's. There are membership and directors lists, minutes of meetings, financial statements and correspondence. There are schedules, information and publicity on events held by the society. There are 2 scrapbooks from 1990 and 1991 that contain photos, programs, memorabilia and newspaper clippings. There are also loose newspapers clippings and some which have been glued on loose leaf pages and a notebook. There are minutes and newsletters from the Saskatchewan Horticultural Association as well as reports, brochures and publication information from the Extension and Community Relations Division of the University of Saskatchewan. There is one copy of the periodical “The Saskatchewan Gardener”, Winter 1995 edition.

Moose Jaw Horticultural Society