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Church Religion Collection
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Church Religion Collection

  • CRC
  • Collection
  • 1882 - 2008

Textual and photographic records the churches of Indian Head and district.

Helena Brooks' Lifetime Membership to the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church

A certificate with a green hard cover declaring Helena E. (Nellie) Brooks as a life member of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. Includes a letter from Edith Shelford (President) explaining why she has received the certificate as thanks for her past help for the society.

The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church

Indian Head Methodist Church

A street view of the Indian Head Methodist Church, built in 1898 on the northeast corner of the intersection of Dewdney and Boyle Streets. It was sold to the Odd Fellows Lodge after the Methodists and Presbyterians merged as the United Church in 1925. It was destroyed by fire in 1949.


Textual and photographic records the Methodist Church at Indian Head and district. The Methodist Church became part of the United Church in 1925.

Methodist Church Indian Head 1908

A small string-bound scrapbook containing two black and white printouts of photographs of the Methodist Church and its grounds. A third photograph is of a pile of stone rubble - presumably after the church burned down in 1949.

Methodist Senior Choir

Photograph of 21 adults - the women in choir robes - standing before a church organ - presumably in the Methodist Church building (see IHM.2022.0095)

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