Stuk IHM.2022.0019 - Induction of Jim Halford to Saskatchewan Agriculture Hall of Fame

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Induction of Jim Halford to Saskatchewan Agriculture Hall of Fame

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  • August 1, 2010 (Vervaardig)
    Regina (Sask.)

Fysieke beschrijving

Fysieke beschrijving

0.3 cm of textual material

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Donated by Donna Thompson

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consists of: a) one program (green); b) two copies of fold-out pamphlets and c) three copies of portrait and biographical sketch of James (Jim) Halford. All were produced by the Saskatchewan Agriculture Hall of Fame for the induction of Indian Head's Jim Halford and for other persons into the SAHF.


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Algemene aantekening

Jim Halford was inducted into the SAHF for his development of the ConservaPak seeding system that allowed for seeding directly into heavy stubble so that farmers would not have to cultivate before seeding. This one-pass direct seeding significantly reduced soil erosion. The patented seeding system was sold to John Deere in 2007, thus becoming standard seeding equipment in North America and the world.

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