Contacto principal
610 Otterloo Street
Indian Head, Saskatchewan
Indian Head Museum
In 1977 the Indian Head Museum Society was officially created as a charitable organization with the objective to: collect, preserve and display the heritage of our area as related to the following; Native people and early settlers, Town and rural municipalities of Indian Head, agricultural and household effects, books and documents, education and religion, properties, all items and information about our early history. The town donated the old fire hall to the museum society as it was an ideal place for a museum and a historic building in itself. The museum society started preparations in 1978 and the Indian Head Museum first opened its doors in 1980.
Nowadays the museum is still dedicated to the preservation and presentation of Indian Head's past. The museum houses exhibits on two floors in the main Fire Hall Building, in the Annex (formerly a horse stable), the Museum Yard, the Military Building, the Country Garage, the Carpenter and Blacksmith shops, Jubilee School and the Bell Farm Cottage. It boasts an extensive collection of 5000 artifacts, photos and histories depicting the pioneer beginning of the district.
Main Fire Hall Building
Military Building
Country Garage
Carpenter and Blacksmith Shops
Jubilee School
Bell Farm Cottage