- CollectionORC - Organizations Collection
- Série organiqueOTH - Other Organizations
- 3 en plus...
- PièceIHM.2020.0305 - Indian Head Chamber of Commerce Minute Book 1971 - 1977
- PièceIHM.2020.0283 - Boy Scout Newspaper Clippings - 1944-1947
- PièceIHM.2020.0284 - Rebekah Assembly of Saskatchewan Assembly Presidents Program 1958-59
- PièceIHM.2020.0285 - Rebekah Lodge Documents, Reports and Correspondence 1971-1973
- PièceIHM.2021.0140 - Indian Head Junior Band
- PièceIHM.2021.0519 - Odd Fellows Grand Lodge
- PièceIHM.2021.0552 - Odd Fellows certificate
- PièceIHM.2021.0559 - Letter appointing Dr. Middleton to the Order of the British Empire
- PièceIHM.2022.0113 - Indian Head Farmers Market records and correspondence
- 6 en plus...