- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA - General Photos
- 169 en plus...
- PièceCORA-B-620 - View of the Grandstand just before it fell and the Industrial Building on fire
- PièceCORA-B-623 - Saskatchewan's Provincial Inauguration Banquet
- PièceCORA-B-700 - City Hall
- PièceCORA-B-701 - City Hall
- PièceCORA-B-702 - Inaugural streetcar runs
- PièceCORA-B-712 - Lieutenant-Governor A.E. Forget
- PièceCORA-B-714 - Graduating class of Regina (Indian) Industrial School, 1898
- PièceCORA-B-718 - Regina Town Council, 1896
- PièceCORA-B-719 - J. Kelso Hunter speaking at inauguration
- 87 en plus...