- FondsMG 146 - W.O. Kupsch fonds
- Série organiqueJ. Audio-Visual Materials
- 282 en plus...
- PièceWOK 2-141 - Large erratic used as rubstone by animals
- PièceWOK 2-142 - Ice contact stratified gravel with cross-bedded kame
- PièceWOK 2-143 - Ice contact stratified gravel with cross-bedded kame
- PièceWOK 2-144 - Ice contact stratified drift in esker - near Dollard, Sask
- PièceWOK 2-145 - Ice contact stratified drift in esker near Wawota, Sask
- PièceWOK 2-146 - Slump structures in ice contact stratified drift - near Kisbey, Sask
- PièceWOK 2-147 - Steeply dipping sands and gravels - Pipestone Creek, Sask
- PièceWOK 2-148 - Terrace gravels of lowest terrace east of Eastend, Sask
- PièceWOK 2-149 - Railway gravel pit in terrace gravels - near Moose Mountain Creek, Sask
- 2014 en plus...