Series MJ-43.2 - Historical Records

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Historical Records

General material designation

  • Textual record

Parallel title

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Edition area

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Edition statement of responsibility

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Statement of scale (cartographic)

Statement of projection (cartographic)

Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

3.50 cm of textual records.

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

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Name of creator


Administrative history

The I.O.D.E. was founded in 1900 by Montreal native Margaret Polson Murray. It was originally named Daughters of the Empire Federation. The federation was incorporated in 1901 and renamed Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. It is a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization that strives to promote patriotism, loyalty, and service to others. The first chapter was formed in Fredericton, NB. The first chapter in Moose Jaw was formed on August 5, 1901. A number of women met with Mrs. Land of Toronto, secretary of the Dominion Daughters of the Empire and Mrs. Nicholas Flood Davin of Regina, provincial president. On a motion by Mrs. Grayson, seconded by Mrs. Darwin, a chapter was formed in Moose Jaw. The first executive elected were Mrs.K. Hamilton, regent; Mrs. Turnbull, 1st vice-regent; Mrs. Gass, 2nd vice-regent, Mrs. Simpson, 3rd vice-regent; Mrs. Hitchcock, 4th vice-regent. Mrs. Annable was elected secretary, Mrs. Chivers, treasurer, and Miss Nugent standard bearer. At the first meeting on September 25, 1901, a motion by Mrs. Bogue and seconded by Mrs. Annable was passed to name the charter the "Duchess of York Chapter." This organization was extremely active in the building of the Moose Jaw General Hospital. In 1907 the chapter disbanded to become the hospital auxiliary. On October, 18, 1909 the charter was re-formed as the "Moose Jaw Chapter". Officers elected were Mrs. E.M. Saunders, regent; Mrs. Cruikshank, vice-regent; Mrs. R.L. Slater, secretary; Mrs. S.J. Taylor, treasurer, and Mrs. E. Stuart George, standard bearer. The Moose Jaw Chapter was still active in 1982, but disbanded sometimes after that.

A second chapter of the I.O.D.E., the Lawrence of Arabia Chapter was formed on April 17, 1936 at a meeting attended by provincial organizing secretary Mrs. D.M. Balfour. Officers elected were Mrs. E.H. Davies, regent; Mrs. C. Koehn, 1st vice-regent; Mrs.P.H. Whitney, 2nd vice regent; Mrs. D.A. Copeland, secretary; Mrs. D.A. Price, treasurer; Mrs. C. Lansberry, educational secretary; Mrs. H.F. Tibble, Echoes secretary; Mrs. E. Scharf, standard bearer. Community service work included fund raising for the Memorial Wing of the Union Hospital, Saskatchewan Training School, St. Anthony's Home, new Canadians, social work, and public schools. Financial assistance was given to the Red Cross and Canadian Legion. Scholarships were presented to students, hampers prepared for needy families of war veterans, and items were made, collected and sent to Great Britain and Poland. The Lawrence of Arabia Chapter was disbanded in September 1976. The efforts of the chapter were honoured in 1977 when Mrs. Dot Voldeng of Regina, past provincial president of the I.O.D.E. presented a plaque of commendation to Mrs. Lillian Davies, charter member and first regent of the chapter. Mrs. Davies then presented the plaque to Mr. Austin Ellis, manager of the Moose Jaw Art Museum, to be hung in the gallery for public display.

The third chapter of the I.O.D.E. in Moose Jaw was the Jervis Bay Chapter, organized on February 6, 1950 by Mrs. Clara Smith of Regina, past provincial president and Mrs. J.S. Williams of Moose Jaw. Members of this chapter were primarily war brides. This chapter disbanded in 1966.

In February 2000 an attempt was made to start a new local chapter. It was not successful.

Custodial history

Scope and content

This series consists of three scrapbooks primarily of newspaper clippings and some photographs of chapter activities and events.

Notes area

Physical condition

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Script of material

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Location note

Box V-29

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