- FondsHST - Melfort Historical Committee fonds
- Série organique996-337 - Series B
- 7 en plus...
- Pièce996-337-006.02 - Power Farming near Melfort, Sask.
- Pièce996-337-006.03 - Hand ploughing
- Pièce996-337-006.04 - Horse drawn binder
- Pièce996-337-006.05 - Clearing trees
- Pièce996-337-008 - Greek Orthodox Church
- Pièce996-337-009 - Melfort Composite Collegiate Institute
- Pièce996-337-010.01 - Andrew Dobson Home - Pleasant Valley, Sask.
- Pièce996-337-010.02 - Proposed Home for the Aged - Melfort, Sask.
- Pièce996-337-010.03 - The Power House - Melfort, Sask.
- 5 en plus...