- CollectionIHC - Town Collection
- Série organiqueINH - Indian Head
- 31 en plus...
- PièceIHM.2021.0068 - Imperial Hotel and Indian Head Bakery
- PièceIHM.2021.0072 - Bird's Eye View of Indian Head, looking North
- PièceIHM.2021.0077 - Indian Head Grain Elevators 1890s
- PièceIHM.2021.0085 - Man on a horse drawn sled post card
- PièceIHM.2021.0086 - Grand Avenue 1930
- PièceIHM.2021.0087 - Market street looking north east (renamed to Otterloo)
- PièceIHM.2021.0102 - Post Card of Indian Head
- PièceIHM.2021.0103 - H.D Lang home
- PièceIHM.2021.0200 - Crowning of Indian Head Queen
- 39 en plus...