- FondsWHP - Wanuskewin Heritage Park fonds
- Série organiqueS02 - Audiovisual recordings
- 38 en plus...
- Pièce: 2023.004.039 - Inaugural traditional pow wow commercial
- Pièce: 2023.004.040 - Interview and related raw footage
- Pièce: 2023.004.041 - Dinner with special guest Georges Erasmus
- Pièce: 2023.004.042 - An evening with Fred Heal
- Pièce: 2023.004.043 - Flying spirit sample
- Pièce: 2023.004.044 - Lafond ceremony with Judge Mary Turpel
- Pièce: 2023.004.045 - Commercials : 1997
- Pièce: 2023.004.046 - Tour of visitor centre
- Pièce: 2023.004.047 - Commercials : 2001
- 40 en plus...