Zone d'identification
Type d'entité
Forme autorisée du nom
Fairbairn, Garry Lawrence, 1947-
forme(s) parallèle(s) du nom
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Autre(s) forme(s) du nom
Numéro d'immatriculation des collectivités
Zone de description
Dates d’existence
Garry Fairbairn's journalistic career began in 1969 with the Canadian Press Organization. His first two years were spent covering stories in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto, and for the two years following that he was stationed exclusively in Ottawa. From there he was sent to Regina from 1973-76. His work there caught enough attention that he was given an international assignment and spent two years in Washington. Not entirely happy with this post, he requested a transfer back to Canada (preferably Western Canada) and in 1978 he was assigned to the post in Calgary, which he held until 1981. Whether it was his original intention to become a business reporter/analyst or not, much if not most of his writing covered business or economic related issues. As his career progessed people noticed his talents and he frequently garnered accolades from his colleagues. Several times he won the best story of the month contest (an internal contest in the CP organization); and even when he did not win, his name frequently appeared in the "Honourable Mention" category. His stature in the local community of journalists gave him some influence and he was instrumental in the development and incorporation of the Saskatchewan Journalist's Association and in it's publications in the mid to late 1970's. Despite his successes as a journalist, however, by 1981 he was restless and feeling a need for a change. He entered the competition to write a history for the Ssaktchewan Wheat Pool commemorating its sixieth anniversary. His reputation and his proposals paid off and he was awarded the commission. In 1984 'From Prairie Roots: the Remarkable Story of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool' was published.