- FondoA1 - Seager Wheeler and Family fonds
- SériesP1 - Photographs
- DossiêP1.1 - SB1, Scrapbook 1(Minuta)
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- Item2021-P-325 - Men and Women Pulling a Wagon
- Item2021-P-326 - Masonic Temple Rosthern, SK
- Item2021-P-327 - Men with Instruments Gathered in Front of a Train
- Item2021-P-328 - Men with Instruments Gathered in Front of a Train
- Item2021-P-329 - Exhibition, Rosthern, SK
- Item2021-P-330 - Grain Elevator and a Horse with a Wagon
- Item2021-P-331 - Man and Two Dogs in the Snow
- Item2021-P-332 - Drawn Cartoon
- Item2021-P-333 - People Standing on the Bank of a Body of Water
- 69 más...