- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA - General Photos
- 198 en plus...
- PièceCORA-B-777 - Boat Club Picnic
- PièceCORA-B-779 - A day out at Wascana Park in Regina
- PièceCORA-B-780 - 'Old Broad Street Bridge' in Regina, Saskatchewan
- PièceCORA-B-791 - Wascana Lake (drained)
- PièceCORA-B-792 - Empty Wascana Lake
- PièceCORA-B-793 - An empty Wascana Lake
- PièceCORA-B-803 - Duke and Duchess of Connaught
- PièceCORA-B-804 - Duke and Duchess of Connaught, Princess Patricia and Mayor Peter McAra
- PièceCORA-B-815 - Men preparing for celebrations
- 58 en plus...