Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
Elsie Hall - Portrait
General material designation
- Graphic material
Parallel title
Other title information
Title statements of responsibility
Title notes
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Reference code
Edition area
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Dates of creation area
[ca. 1920] (Creation)
Physical description area
Physical description
1 negative : b&w ; 12.5 x 10 cm
Publisher's series area
Title proper of publisher's series
Parallel titles of publisher's series
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Archival description area
Name of creator
Custodial history
Scope and content
Head and shoulders image of Elsie Hall, first woman graduate of the College of Law.
Bio/Historical Note: Elsie Hall was born 14 February 1897 in Gloucester, England and landed with her family in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, in 1914. A profile on Hall was featured in a 1920 yearbook. It read: “Due, perhaps, to a sense of the fitness of things, Elsie chose the new world—and particularly our progressive province—in which to prepare for her life-work. Not content to follow the usual professions open to women, she determined to walk in paths yet untrodden by her sisters. Hence, to her belongs the distinction of being the first lady law-student to enrol in Saskatchewan University.” The article goes on to mention that she played on the university basketball team and was an excellent swimmer and tennis player. Little is known about Hall’s career after she left university, but a letter from one of Hall's former friends, Eileen Holden, states that Elsie lived in Hampstead, London, during the 1930s, and during the war worked for the Ministry of Pensions in St. Anne’s-on-the-Sea in Lancashire. Hall died on 31 May 1975 in Victoria, British Columbia.
Notes area
Physical condition
Immediate source of acquisition
Language of material
Script of material
Location of originals
Availability of other formats
Restrictions on access
Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication
Photographer: unknown
Copyright holder: Public domain
Other terms: Responsibility regarding questions of copyright that may arise in the use of any images is assumed by the researcher.
Finding aids
Associated materials
General note
Copied from April 1920 issue of The Sheaf.