- ArchiefWHP - Wanuskewin Heritage Park fonds
- ReeksS01 - Photographs
- BestanddeelF26 - North American Indigenous Games and Wascana cheque presentation
- Stuk: 2022.004.029.01 - People gathered in story circle including two people in traditional regalia
- Stuk: 2022.004.029.02 - Person at podium in story circle
- Stuk: 2022.004.029.03 - Park interpreter outside with group of children
- Stuk: 2022.004.029.04 - Person at podium in story circle
- Stuk: 2022.004.029.05 - Three people in procession through lobby of visitor centre
- Stuk: 2022.004.029.06 - Dancer performing in traditional regalia through lobby of visitor centre
- Stuk: 2022.004.029.07 - Elder Smith Atimoyoo leading ceremonial procession while holding sacred eagle staff
- Stuk: 2022.004.029.08 - Elder Smith Atimoyoo leading ceremonial procession