- ArchiefJGD/MG01 - John G. Diefenbaker fonds
- ReeksXVII. Photographs and Slides Series
- 7188 more...
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide215 - John Diefenbaker and TC Douglas at Prince Albert Bridge opening
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2143 - "Roma: Monument to Victor Emmanel II"
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2144 - "Eilath; The 'Eilath Hotel'"
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2145 - "Eilath; Aerodrome and Tourist Beach"
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2146 - "Eilath, Residential Quarters"
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2147 - "Sea of Eilath: The Glass Bottomed Boats"
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2148 - "Sea of Eilath: The Mountains on the Bay"
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2149 - "Nazareth: The Synagogue Church"
- StukJGD/MG01/XVII/Slide2150 - "Eilath: The Botanical Gardens of Eilath"
- 933 more...