Zone du titre et de la mention de responsabilité
Titre propre
Curling School
Dénomination générale des documents
- Document graphique
Titre parallèle
Compléments du titre
Mentions de responsabilité du titre
Notes du titre
Niveau de description
Zone de l'édition
Mention d'édition
Mentions de responsabilité relatives à l'édition
Zone des précisions relatives à la catégorie de documents
Mention d'échelle (cartographique)
Mention de projection (cartographique)
Mention des coordonnées (cartographiques)
Mention d'échelle (architecturale)
Juridiction responsable et dénomination (philatélique)
Zone des dates de production
[before 1903] (Production)
Zone de description matérielle
Description matérielle
1 photograph : b&w; page ; 10 x 14 cm
Zone de la collection
Titre propre de la collection
Titres parallèles de la collection
Compléments du titre de la collection
Mention de responsabilité relative à la collection
Numérotation à l'intérieur de la collection
Note sur la collection
Zone de la description archivistique
Historique de la conservation
Portée et contenu
Open air curling rink located west of Central Avenue at about 17th Street, Prince Albert
Bio/historical note: Water for ice obtained from jail situated on hill above the rink. Water pumped to jail from river by wind mill located on site of Heritage Museum
Zone des notes
État de conservation
Source immédiate d'acquisition
Langue des documents
Écriture des documents
Localisation des originaux
Unknown. Page from booklet entitled "Souvenirs of Prince Albert"
Disponibilité d'autres formats
Restrictions d'accès
Délais d'utilisation, de reproduction et de publication
Copyright holder: Public domain
Copyright expires: Public domain
Other terms: Responsibility regarding questions of copyright that may arise in the use of any images is assumed by the researcher.
Instruments de recherche
Éléments associés
Note générale
Attached note in file reads: "This photo has appeared from time to time in the Herald [Prince Albert Daily Herald] as having been taken on the River whereas it's location was just west of Central Ave., on 17th St. before the street was opened for traffic. The date would be about 1895-97 as I recall the rink having been olcated there prior to the erection of the first covered in curling rink located on the proerty now occupied by the C.K.B.I. building on 10th Street West. The combined Skating and Curling rink erected in 1905 on the property now occupied by McDonald-Consolidated Warehouse served the needs of the Curlers and skaters for upwards of 30 years the last ten years being devoted entirely to promotion of junior hockey and student skating. The Company winding up activities March 31st 1938. All without any financial assistance of tax concessions from the City. Faintly through the woods can be discerned the odl wooden sidewalk and hand railings leading uphill to the old Court House and Jail and to the few residences then situated on the hill, upper storey of one appears in the upper right hand corner. A team of white horses appear as intereted in the curling events as the on lookers. This team undoubtedly were used to convey the curling rocks to the rink location. Wate [sic] for the ice would have ahd to be drawn by team from the river or could have been piped down from the Jail situated uphill about where the 1914-1918 Memorial stands, as some time in the late 90s or early 1900s the Government erected a windmill on the river bank where the Fire Hall now stands and piped water to the Jail from the river. - Sept. 16/71 A.L.P. Agnew"