Crozier, Lorna, 1948-


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Crozier, Lorna, 1948-

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Lorna Crozier was born in Swift Current, Saskatchewan in 1948. Her parents were Emmerson and Peggy Crozier. She graduated from W.A. Beatty Collegiate in Swift Current in 1966. She studied at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus (now the University of Regina) and obtained her Bachelor of Arts (with Distinction), from the University of Saskatchewan in 1969. She received a Master of Arts from the University of Alberta in 1980. In addition to her university education, she attended creative writing courses at the Saskatchewan Summer School of the Arts at Fort San (1974-1977), and took courses in Advanced Writing and Speech Writing from the Public Service Commission in 1982 and 1983 respectively. Crozier taught high school English in rural Saskatchewan from 1970 to 1973, and taught English (both composition and Canadian literature, variously) at the University of Regina (1976), the University of Alberta (1978-1979), and the University of Saskatchewan (1986-1991). Since 1991, she has been Associate Professor in the Department of Writing at the University of Victoria. She has also been Writer-in-Residence at the University of Toronto (1988, 1989-1990), Douglas College, British Columbia (1989), University of Lethbridge (1987), and the Regina Public Library (1984-1985), among others. Crozier has nine published books of poetry to her name, including 'The Garden Going On Without Us' (1985), 'Angels of Flesh, Angels of Silence' (1988), and 'Inventing the Hawk' (1992). Her poetry has been included in dozens of journals and magazines, including NeWest Review, Quarry, Border Crossings, and Poetry Ireland. Crozier's work has also been featured in numerous anthologies, and her poetry and writing have resulted in her winning many prizes, such as First Prize in the CBC Radio National Poetry Competition (1987), the Western Magazine Award for Nonfiction (1989), the Governor General's Award for Poetry (1992), the National Magazine Gold Medal for Poetry (1995), among others. She has conducted many readings and has lectured widely in Canada and the United States, as well as England, the former Yugoslavia, France and Chile. She has been heavily involved in the writers profession, and has served on various juries and judging panels. Crozier currently resides outside of Victoria, in Saanichton, British Columbia, with her husband, poet Patrick Lane.



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