- FondsCOR - City of Regina fonds
- Série organiqueCORA - General Photos
- 224 en plus...
- PièceCORA-E-2.148 - Indians in Travellers' Day Parade
- PièceCORA-E-2.154 - Indian Village display at Exhibition
- PièceCORA-E-2.155 - Indian Village display at Exhibition
- PièceCORA-E-2.156 - Indian Village display at Exhibition
- PièceCORA-E-2.175 - Cowboy at Rodeo
- PièceCORA-E-2.178 - Rodeo at Exhibition
- PièceCORA-E-2.181 - Trick roping at Exhibition
- PièceCORA-E-2.183 - Trick roping at Exhibition
- PièceCORA-E-2.185 - Trick roping at the Exhibition
- 32 en plus...