- ArchiefWHP - Wanuskewin Heritage Park fonds
- ReeksS01 - Photographs
- BestanddeelF14 - Construction of visitor centre
- 24 more...
- Stuk: 2022.004.061.11 - Construction
- Stuk: 2022.004.061.12 - Dump truck being loaded up with soil
- Stuk: 2022.004.061.13 - Construction
- Stuk: 2022.004.061.14 - Dump truck being loaded up with soil
- Stuk: 2022.004.061.15 - Construction
- Stuk: 2022.004.061.16 - Cement being poured into foundation
- Stuk: 2022.004.061.17 - Rocks found while excavating
- Stuk: 2022.004.061.18 - Drill rigs
- Stuk: 2022.004.061.19 - Construction
- 205 more...