- FundoWHP - Wanuskewin Heritage Park fonds
- SérieS01 - Photographs
- Dossiê/ProcessoF14 - Construction of visitor centre
- 6 mais...
- Item: 2022.004.016.07 - Construction
- Item: 2022.004.016.08 - Construction
- Item: 2022.004.016.09 - Construction
- Item: 2022.004.016.10 - Construction
- Item: 2022.004.016.11 - Construction
- Item: 2022.004.016.12 - Construction
- Item: 2022.004.054.21 - Construction
- Item: 2022.004.054.22 - Construction
- Item: 2022.004.061.01 - Trucks being loaded with soil to clear area for construction
- 223 mais...