- CollectionGPC - Rosetown General Photograph Collection
- Série organiqueGPC-AG3 - Agriculture - Elevators
- 2 en plus...
- PièceAG3.003 - Elevators and bins at North Rosetown
- PièceAG3.004 - Rosetown grain elevators
- PièceAG3.005 - Pioneer grain elevator and annex under construction
- PièceAG3.006 - Jim Cole, Pioneer agent, grading wheat
- PièceAG3.007 - Cominco Fertilizer official opening.
- PièceAG3.008 - R.M. of St. Andrews No. 287 Seed Cleaning Plant
- PièceAG3.009 - Klemmer's Seed Cleaning Ltd.
- PièceAG3.010 - Sask Wheat Pool elevator complex at North Rosetown
- PièceAG3.011 - North Rosetown Sask. Wheat Pool elevator being prepared for demolition
- 14 en plus...