Girls - Clubs and Societies√



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Hierarchical terms

Girls - Clubs and Societies√

Equivalent terms

Girls - Clubs and Societies√

Associated terms

Girls - Clubs and Societies√

10 Archival description results for Girls - Clubs and Societies√

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Canadian Girls in Training, 1954-1970

Series contains regulations, minutes, reports, correspondence, newsletters, pamphlets, clippings and other documents relating to the Canadian Girls in Training (C.G.I.T.) program. Contents include files for: the CGIT Camp Committee (1960-1970); CGIT Camp Council (1954-1970); CGIT Leadership Training Committee (1964-1969); CGIT Provincial Girls' Executive (1957-1961); the CGIT Saskatoon Local Committee (1948-1963); CGIT Senior Girls' Conferences (1960-1961); CGIT 50th Anniversary; and various National Committee documents.