Archief COR - City of Regina fonds

Houses in Germantown neighbourhood, Regina Regina's City Hall Eleventh Avenue From Post Office Regina, Saskatchewan Eleventh Avenue looking East, Regina, Saskatchewan Knox United Church Regina, Saskatchewan Rotunda of Legislative Building R.H. Williams & Sons Department Store in Regina, Saskatchewan Provincial Normal School in Regina Part of the Business District Regina, Saskatchewan Regina General Hospital The Robert Simpson Co. Western Mail Order House Regina Public Library Grey Nuns Hospital Government House, Regina, Saskatchewan Regina Grain Elevator
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Title and statement of responsibility area


City of Regina fonds

Algemene aanduiding van het materiaal

  • Multiple media

Parallelle titel

Overige titelinformatie

Title statements of responsibility

Titel aantekeningen




referentie code




Edition statement of responsibility

Class of material specific details area

Statement of scale (cartographic)

Statement of projection (cartographic)

Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Datering archiefvorming


  • 1882 - 2001 (Vervaardig)
    Regina (Sask.)

Fysieke beschrijving

Fysieke beschrijving

800 linear metres of textual records
8,000 maps and architectural drawings
25,000 photographs, slides and photographic negatives

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Archivistische beschrijving

Geschiedenis beheer

Bereik en inhoud

Fonds consists of the records of the City of Regina and its predecessors.


Materiële staat

Directe bron van verwerving


Taal van het materiaal

Schrift van het materiaal

Plaats van originelen

Beschikbaarheid in andere opslagformaten

Restrictions on access

Consult City of Regina Archivist.

Termen voor gebruik, reproductie en publicatie.


Finding aid available: by series and file titles with descriptions.

Associated materials

Related materials


Additional accruals are expected.

Alternative identifier(s)

Standard number area

Standaard nummer


Naam ontsluitingsterm

Genre access points


Voorwaarden voor raadpleging en gebruik