- Fundo997-099 - Lobb, Ethel fonds
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- Item997-099-176 - Harold Leard and John Carlson threshing
- Item997-099-177 - United Church Sunday School officers - Beatty, Sask.
- Item997-099-178 - A farewell for Gordon Lobb at the Asa Lobb Farm
- Item997-099-179 - Sunday School Picnic, Jubilee Park - Melfort, Sask.
- Item997-099-180 - Booths at Beatty picnic
- Item997-099-181 - Beatty Ladies Aid at Ethel Lobb's Home
- Item997-099-182 - United Church Bible Vacation School - Beatty, Sask.
- Item997-099-183 - La Colle Falls Dam on the Saskatchewan River
- Item997-099-184 - La Colle Falls Dam at The Forks - Saskatchewan River
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