Bjorkdale (Sask.)



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  • Book by David McLennan: "Our Towns: Saskatchewan Communities from Abbey to Zenon Park" (2008)

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Bjorkdale (Sask.)

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Bjorkdale (Sask.)

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Bjorkdale (Sask.)

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Porcupine Plain Pastoral Charge

  • SCAA-UCCS-0242
  • Corporate body
  • ca.1932–2011

Porcupine Plain Pastoral Charge was formed as a new United Church charge in 1925, containing Porcupine Plain (Bethany United Church, named 1948), Green Lake, High Tor, Pee Wee and Somme. Later points included Bjorkdale (Hillside United Church), Chelan, and Spruce View. After becoming a Shared Ministry (ca.1952), the Porcupine Plain Charge has included congregations of St. John's Hillside Anglican/United Church, in Bjorkdale, Bethany-Good Shepherd Anglican/United Church, in Porcupine Plain, and St. Andrew's United Church, in Shand Creek (ca.1982).

Both Bjorkdale and Porcupine Plain closed June 30, 2010, and the RM of Porcupine preaching point ended its association with the United Church November 2011. Porcupine Plain (Shared Ministry) Pastoral Charge itself closed December 31, 2011.