Bennett, Vera


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Bennett, Vera

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Vera Bennett was born in Chicago in approximately 1904 to William H and Janet Bennett. William H Bennett was born in Ontario in approximately 1864. Janet Bennett was born in England in approximately 1865.

Due to health issues of Edith Bennett caused by pollution, the family moved to Canada in 1908. The 1920 Henderson’s Directory lists Vera Bennett as living with her older sister Edith, younger sister Cecilia, and father William H Bennett at 905 Alder Avenue in Moose Jaw. Edith was born in Chicago in approximately 1898, and Cecelia in Manitoba in 1907. Vera also had an older brother named Grover who was also born in the United States of America in approximately 1893. William H Bennett worked as an inspector for the Ocean Accident Insurance Company.

Vera Bennett received her grade eight diploma from the Moose Jaw Collegiate Institute on August 25, 1919. She also acquired a certificate of proficiency in typewriting from Davidson Business College on April 18, 1922, and began working as a stenographer that year.

Steve May was a friend of Cecilia’s who worked at Clifton Bakery in Moose Jaw.

It is not known when Vera Bennett died.


Chicago, USA
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan


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