Title and statement of responsibility area
Beaver Flats Rural Telephone Company Limited fonds
Algemene aanduiding van het materiaal
- Textual record
Parallelle titel
Overige titelinformatie
Title statements of responsibility
Titel aantekeningen
- Source of title proper: Title based on source
referentie code
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Datering archiefvorming
1914 - 1977 (Vervaardig)
- Vervaardig
- Beaver Flats Rural Telephone Company Limited
- Plaats
- Saskatchewan
Fysieke beschrijving
Fysieke beschrijving
ca. 25 cm of textual records
Publisher's series area
Title proper of publisher's series
Parallel titles of publisher's series
Other title information of publisher's series
Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series
Numbering within publisher's series
Note on publisher's series
Archivistische beschrijving
Naam van de archiefvormer
Geschiedenis beheer
On October 27, 2008 the records were transferred to the Swift Current Museum.
Bereik en inhoud
The fonds, related to the Beaver Flats Rural Telephone Company Limited, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Volume 1: Debenture Register for Beaver Flats Rural Telephone Company, 1961 – 1975, payable at Pioneer Co-operators Credit Union (the debentures are sold to local individuals)
Volume 2: Minute book for Directors’ meetings of the Beaver Flats Rural Telephone Company, March 23, 1914 – January 6, 1938, (includes first organizing meeting)
Volume 3: Account book, October 27,1916 – December 31,1919 and October 23 1950, keeps track of customers and when their telephone service was connected, their phone numbers and their land descriptions, also contains a list of the individuals who purchased debentures (see Volume 1)
Volume 4: Account book, March 27,1914 – December 15,1918, and April 25,1961 – November 1,1963, contains names, occupations, & land descriptions of shareholders,
Volume 5: Minute book for meetings pertaining to the Beaver Flats Rural Telephone Company, April 20,1961 – May 9,1977, contains the company’s regulations that were drafted in July 1962, contains a letter pertaining to the dissolution of the telephone company in 1977, and a list of subscribers as of March 28, 1977
Volume 6: Share certificates for the Beaver Flats Rural Telephone Company (worth $5 each), signed by President J.K. Austring, 7 certificates are loose, the remainder are still fastened in the book
Discrete Object: Seal of Beaver Flats Rural Telephone Co.
Materiële staat
Directe bron van verwerving
No formal arrangement has been applied to the items in this fonds.
Taal van het materiaal
- Engels
Schrift van het materiaal
- Latijn
Plaats van originelen
Beschikbaarheid in andere opslagformaten
Restrictions on access
No restrictions on access.
Termen voor gebruik, reproductie en publicatie.
Use, reproduction, and/or publication of records are subject to the Copyright Act and the Terms and Conditions of the Swift Current Museum. Please consult the Swift Current Museum for further information.
Minimal fonds level description is listed in AtoM. Until fully appraised and arranged record lists are available through the Swift Current Museum.
Associated materials
No further accruals are expected.
Alternative identifier(s)
Additional Identifier
Standard number area
Standaard nummer
Onderwerp trefwoord
Geografische trefwoorden
Naam ontsluitingsterm
- Wall, Clarence (Beheer)
- Beaver Flats Rural Telephone Company Limited (Onderwerp)
- Wall, Clarence (Onderwerp)